Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))

Funny Baby Instruction Notices (Part 1)


Vanilla Sky


Yesterday I had the rare occasion of sitting in front of the tellies and enjoying a beautiful story. I didn't start with the show. I only manages to catch it after a quarter of the show had transpired. The lead actor was Tom Cruise and he immediately capture my attention. His acting skills was top notch. He is a pro and I have to give him credit. Anyway, the plot/script of Vanilla Sky was interesting and it manages to capture my full attention. It was a complex dark fiction. I was trying to put together the whole plot and trying to guess how the ending would be. The show moved in great pace and it was leading me to think where the hell was "David" (Tom Cruise character). He was shifting from the state of dreaming and reality and I couldn't quite follow at first.

Its was a special show which was unusual and something different. I would recommend it to all who like a good fiction.

Meeting A Long Lost Friend


Last Sat I met a long lost friend who I have lost contact with. I really haven't heard from her since she got married. She still haven't changed a bit and still look elegant, vibrant and young. I am not too sure what happen. It was a long time ago. During that time, I know that she was in a bad relationship with her ex-boss son. They have been together for quite sometime and thus after a reluctant break off she was in a turbulence time. They got back together but it only lasted for a few months I think.
I still remember calling to check on her and trying to console her cause she was then in really really bad shape. Then I thought P was going after her but then I advice him not to push it and it was an inappropriate time. After a few month, the next I know she was already with another guy. There after she quit her job and went over to the States for so called vacation under holiday working visa. It was over a year and the next I knew and heard was she called to tell me she's getting married soon and so on that date. I wasn't sure and confuse actually but hey it wasn't my life and I have no business putting my nose into other peoples business. But I am glad she had found the love of her life. The guy seem very natural, friendly and a good husband. I hope she really is happy and enjoying her life to the fullest. There is nothing more happy for me then seeing a good friend happy and enjoying life as a breeze. I always like a good happy ending.
She tells me and P that she and her husband have bought a house in Orlando, Florida. She show us her house photos, her colleague and etc. I think she is in good hands and having the best time of her life. Its so wonderful seeing her again.
Anyway, I have forgotten how come P knew my friend. Perhaps it was one of those trips that I organises and I always bring P along when I meet up with my other friends. I think it all started with the trip to Redang in year 2000 or perhaps before that. Those were the best time of my life.


(( tak payah develop susah-susah….if people want they can make themselves !! )



I tell you I have to give the hats off to the Singaporean. They are really smart ..........I mean government wise compare to my government. You see, yesterday as I was reading the paper I came across an interesting news about SG F1 race. I am not a die hard F1 fan nor spectator but nevertheless I occasionally follow in on the progress and its development. I know who the teams are, the champion and some of the drivers on the circuit.
Ok, enough of the background. What I wanted to write is we really have to give SG credit and respect for their geniuses and outright "thinking out of the box". As far as I understand it, MY have gotten the rights to an F1 racing slot for 5 yrs which is renewable and etc. F1 racing rights and exclusivity is held by F1 maestro Bernie Ecclestone. Therefore since Malaysia had gotten the racing slot and upped the stake with SG nobody thought there could possibly be another racing track located just a stone throw away. Many people including myself thought SG had loss out big time on the potential windfall and publicity avenue with regard to worldwide audiences and coverage. It is among the biggest sports coverage with huge following worldwide after football.
To add salt to wound, many years ago SG PM Lee Kuan Yew and MY PM Mahathir had always quarrel and trying to outdo each other with the grandest project and the most glamour's of the lot. Mahathir must have been smiling since he won the first round and his son is the rights holder and organiser of the F1 race. However, a few years back SG fought back and came out with an ingeniousness plan of holding an F1 race in the city state but it didn't stop there. In order to make it special and to entice Bernie Ecclestone they are making it a first in the world with night racing. Now isn't that smart.
The brains behind all these moves is actually one Mr.Ong who use to be a Malaysian. These Singaporean are actually not Singaporean in the beginning, but in fact Malaysian. They actually migrated to SG and obtain their PR and citizenship after many many years in SG.
Therefore if you really look at the bigger picture and analyse, you will see that all the best brains and brightest are going off to Singapore and being absorbed by them. That's why we have a huge brain drain. All those ASEAN scholarship, bursary and meritocracy system are paying off for them now. They are reaping in the rewards of years of good policy and stable decision. You don't see flip flop decision or policy especially on the education system.
On another note, the man who conquer Mount Everest twice and the only ASIAN to do it and now a famous adventurer turn motivator Singaporean was previously a Malaysian. I only knew about this lately when he visited his father in Port Dickson. Malaysia really Boleh. Born in Malaysia, bred in Malaysia but bury in other countries.

A CNY Visit


Recently, one of my friend Mr.P who use to stay nearby came over to my house for CNY with his gf. That was the first time I meet his gf though he had told me so much about her. I have been pestering and reminding him many times to bring his gf along but unfortunately I think there were many occasion which wasn't right. Example, when a bunch of guys was around howling aloud throughout the middle of the see I think its awkward when you have a bunch of nerd or wolves sitting around a table talking about politics, medicine, stocks and etc. It kind of scared all the girls away. I notice his gf looks a little bit like my ex-classmate. There was a 80% resemblance but she had more baby fats..............heheheheh.

Not that my other friend would ever care or take notice. They are just blunt and stone to be precise. Nerd ......... well............don't think they are now. Square, stone or whatever you call it. I still think and in fact common sense said its awkward to have a bunch of guys surrounding a single girl in a mamak.

Nevertheless, I find it hard to tell these single bachelor what is right or what is wrong. They are obviously egotist and don't like to hear it from someone who doesn't have a "Dr" in front of my name. Thus I hope they realize themselves and get their act together and improve on their social skills.

I still remember a few years back when P was driving me back after a late night of mamak and I had the chance to have a one to one conversation with him. At first I didn't know how to put it to him on his "short" coming and what I felt was his missing link with girls. However, since we had been friends for quite some time and I thought we should be honest with each other. After all I was concern with his social life at that time. He wasn't having any success with girls or scoring any goals. I felt and thought I needed to say something even though it could damage our friendship. As long as the end result was effective and he manages to find a gf, then I would be more than happy to be the sacrificial lamb. The bad guy.

Thus, I told him his short coming straight into the face. However, I still try to be as diplomatic as I could be.

1. Man need to be more open. Not in the head but also the wallet. I remember vividly that a mutual friend of us relate how P was a little bit stingy and thrifty. Yeah, thrifty is good but not when you are trying to woo and chasing your future wife. Yes there are exception but what I am trying to put here is the majority and the field where I am more familiar with. Girls like to be pamper, treated well and when they are on top of the world, you need to make them feel like heaven. I don't remember in my experience seeing a girl who doesn't like the guy to pamper or treat her well. I mean for the 1st stage of tackling a girl, I have never meet a gal telling me.....pls keep your wallet in your pants. Either the gal aren't interested in you or she isn't sure yet. Therefore the keyword here is be a gentleman. We are not Americans nor Europeans. We are still very traditional and in this part of the world the woman are still very much old fashion (money wise).

2. He always fumble or was it nervous when he speaks. He would try very hard to make himself the centre of attention and prefer to be the main person talking. I still remember he use to jumble up in his conversation and a few of my friends have a hard time trying to figure out what he was trying to say. Throughout the years I think he has improve tremendously cause I never notice this anymore. Perhaps he had moved on and fully matured. This could be true cause I have a kid who happens to be a year end b'day boy. As I had been observing my kid, I think there is a huge difference between the month of birth of a kid. A kid who is born beginning of the year compare to year end have a huge maturity gap and learning skills. People treat him as 2 when he is only 1. Its the education system we are having here that is influencing all this. This is deep, I know. But the fact is he wasn't at the level I presume he was in yet.

3. I still remember blurringly about our Sg.Lembing trip. We went up the hill in the wee hours of the morning with touch light. Just before sunrise, we went further hoping to explore the hill and find a more suitable viewing angle. P and I was in a group. Wifey was there too. As I was walking in front trying to clear some bushes and path for others to follow, P suddenly went in front of me. I wasn't sure what was happening and I might be wrong. But at the end, he got himself lost when we decided to turn back to the original hill. My friends and I couldn't find him. Everybody had panic. We call out his name but there was no reply. Not sure if he was holding any touch light but I scout around the bushes and can't find any sign of him at all. It was total darkness. Then I told the rest of the member not to break off to look for him cause I worry others would get lost too. There wasn't many guys in the group. Mostly gals and thus it was dangerous to ask them to go down hill to search for him. I felt really bad then. I was responsible for him cause I invited him. I told everybody we would wait for a few more minutes to see whether he can find his way back before we call for help. Finally P manages to find his way back. There was no reaction from him at all nor any thank you for our concern and effort of trying to look for him. He was those guy with big egos and thick face then. He just pretend nothing had happen and continue his usual fumbling talk but I sense then that he wasn't at all at ease. This wasn't my opinion but from other friends as well. Can you imagine how the gals see him. Moral of the story. Don't try to be a hero if you are not a hero. Being average and normal is enough.

To cut things short, my friend P is now a happy man. He has finally manages to land himself a trophy gf........hehehhehe. A young sweet gal. I am so happy for him. I hope he will quickly take the next step forward and join me in my experience. Going further 1 step up to another level and enjoying life. I notice there is a huge change in him to the better. Physically as well as mentally. I am happy to say for once that my friend P is now a step ahead of me in life and in coming years. Gambate, and omedeto gozaimasu.

Liar, Liar in the top most Hierarchy


I came across this today. Anyway its an old news now. I felt it was contradictory and hence deserve to be mention here. The flip flop fellow really can lie through his teeth. He doesn't feel ashamed of it and neither is he a man of his word. This really speaks volume on the people he leads. Perhaps its the other way round where other people are actually leading him.............hehehe.

Anyway, come this GE2008 I hope everybody would vote wisely. Nevertheless, I know of many friends, acquaintance and etc who are not going to vote at all. Some are going away for holiday on the 8th March itself and also some are totally abstaining themselves from voting.

Many of my colleague are hypocrite. They always tell me this and that and kept complaining about toll hike, price hike, many injustice and etc but yet they are not even going to try to register themselves to vote. Some are as old as 40++ and yet they have never in their entire life voted. They never felt the need to vote cause its pointless, lazy and ignorant. Their attitude towards their rights are really apathy. Don't care and never bother.

I read a great article in 1 of the blogs the other day. Its was about the body snatching activities which had been going on lately and it just send a shiver into my spine. I hope it doesn't happen to my colleague but yet felt perhaps they need a lesson in life to open up their selfish attitude and also to open others eye wide. We always teaches kids not to be selfish, self centre and ignorant. We teaches them to stand for principal and to be honourable. Yet, non of my colleague possess any of this character at all. Sadly I am disappointed with them. But what can I do. They are those typical Chinese educated who are born and bred like a frog in a cage. Spoon fed throughout their life but lucky to be as successful as they are now. They don't know much about the green house effect, world news, politics but only themselves and money.

A Broken Wine Glass


Last week during CNY period, I had a few friends over to my place for a visit. I invited them over to have a drink cause I told them I have a few bottles of white wine. I like white more than red at the moment. Its much more smoother, rich and easier on the tongue................that's how I feel. But if the red is a top notch quality bottle and not any under RM100 per bottle then I would gladly try it out cause so far reds are something like mass production to me. I have attended numerous wedding dinner, functions and special occasion and usually the host serve the red. Its those cheap, sour, dry and can kill your taste bug kind of wine. I don't see many people serving white at the moment and I prefer it that way. Maintaining that exclusivity and authentic taste.

Well that's not what I really want to shout about today. Its about this doc friend of mine. Since he's staying in UK practically 90% of his time, I thought wine is in his blood cause you know how Europeans and British really enjoy their wine........or was that beer !!!! Hehheheh. Anyway, the moment I serve him his glass........I was practically on the edge of my floor cause I notice how awkward his movement or his body language was telling me. I just move his wine glass away from reach (1 arm length) and I thought he should be getting the message. It was predictable. I am telling you I am a very good body language observer. I know how people react and what kind of things they are going to do before hand. I just have the gift.

Not long after, the dreaded nightmare came. With 1 swing of the hand or arm, he knock over the glass and it felt on my marble dinning table. Broken glass was shattered everyway. It was a mess and I had to clean up the mess. Was I piss off or was I angry with him ? Later on another friend related to me how this doc felt I was piss off with him. Actually I wasn't angry because of the broken glass but the mess and the worry I am in if my kids accidentally step on a small broken pieces. I worry if I didn't manage to sweep all the shattered glass. I worry if I miss out on any small pieces stuck under the chairs, table leg and etc.

It seems that young single bachelor don't really understand we man who have family. What I had in my mind about single adults and married adults was right. We think differently and we act differently. I felt single adults have to grow up and think bigger picture but unfortunately all they can talk about occasionally is sex and sex. I mean I talk about sex and sex and etc but then get the drift. Maturity. I will talk about this more next time. Its all instinct for me.

Well, the doc did offer his apology but then the harm was already done. You see, if this incident would had happen to some of my other friends who have family or mature......................perhaps its not maturity but some other aspect which I can't pinpoint as of now, their immediate reaction would have been to get up and help me clean up the mess itself. They would be very worry too cause they know broken glasses are dangerous especially family with kids. Now that's the difference with thinking, reaction, social skills and awareness.

So, I don't get piss off with the broken glass cause its only a glass which I can always buy with $$$$$ only. But I am worry about the safety of my kids and family. That's the single most important priority of any man with a family.



This is a nice alternative of wikimapia for local malaysian road.

Hard Disk Data Recovery


I got this from here. Thought it was useful.

Ways to restore lost data
This video tutorial shows you ways of restoring files four different ways. I do not claim this video to be the ultimate way to restore files. These are just suggestions, so if you know of better methods, please leave a comment with the suggested method. Listed below are the four different ways and the programs needed.

Restoring files that have been deleted from the Recycle Bin
A great program for doing this is called Restoration. Download it and install it. The program installs itself to a folder in c:/restoration. Double click on the ".exe" file in that folder. Once the program launches, it will allow you to search the specified drive. Once the results are pulled up, highlight any files that you intend to restore and click the "Restore By Copying" button.

Restoring files from damaged CD/DVD's
This method is for restoring files off of scuffed CD's/DVD's, where it often says that it cannot copy the source file or it gives a "cyclic redundancy" error. The program for this method is called CD Recovery Toolbox. Download and install that program and, once installed, it should create a shortcut on your desktop.
-Go ahead and run the program.
-The first window will have you select the drive that you want to restore (the corrupted media should already be in it at this point). Then click next
-Select a folder where you want to restore the files to. Default is "c:\_CDRestored". Then click Next.
-Select the files on the CD that you wish to restore and click "Save"
-When it's through, it should open up the folder in which it saved the files to.

Restoring files from formatted hard drives
This method is to restore files from hard drives after they have been re-formatted. For instance, this would come in handy if you have reinstalled windows on a drive and then want to see if you can restore a file that was on it before you reinstalled windows. A great program to do this is called PhotoRec. Download, install, and run the program.

-Open up the program (it will open up in a DOS window)
-First you will need to select which hard drive you want to restore (using the arrow keys) and then hit enter to Proceed.
-Second, you will need to select how your hard drive is partitioned, whether it's a PC,MAC, Linux, etc.
-Then select the file system. If it's a Mac/XP/Vista, it will be HPFS or NTFS. If it's pre-XP, then it will be FAT32. If it's linux, then you should know which one it is :-)
-Select where you want to restore the files to. The default is "C:\Phtotrec". It's recommended not to restore the files to the same drive that you are restoring from.
-Then just let it restore the files and select which ones you want to keep.

Restoring files from unbotable hard drives.
This method can be used when you can't even get your computer to boot to the hard drive. The method is by booting to what's called a "Live CD". You can download Linux Live CD's from almost anywhere. Ubuntu is probably the most popular and will serve the purpose. However, if you want a Windows LIve CD, we can make one of these by using a WindowsXP cd and a program called BartPE"".

-Download, install, and run the program
- Put in your XP cd, and use it as the source path. You can also select alternate paths for things to include with the CD. Under Output, you can select the name of the folder that it will put the working information in.
-Then select, under Media Output, "Create ISO image". And click "Build"
-Once it's finished, you can use a program such as Deep Burner to burn it to a CD.
-Then just boot to the CD once the computer is starting up.



Hmm........this sound very interesting but let me give a little bit of a background. We all know that the G machinery are very corrupted and to certain extend some private comp which are own by the G as well. Unfortunately through my own experience this is very much a culture as well as the norm thing ingrain in many layers of society as well as company. It is not confined to G corporation anymore.

For example, take the place where I work. Due to my company expansion.............hence this creates an opportunity and a window for corrupt practices to occur. New equipment, new services, new renovation, new computers and etc etc. I still remember vividly when I started working in the company my Japanese boss was a very tough and no nonsense kind of guy. He instil in me the virtual of fairness, good practices whereby every procurement of equipment and services have to be evaluated thoroughly and scrutinise in detail. Every procurement have to have at least more than 3 suppliers or competitor. It was tough then. I have get the best bargain and the best deal in order to be able to submit and get his approval.

After 10 years had past, same company but different Jap and local management. Things had drastically changes for the worst but better for the corrupted few. There is no longer 3 competitive bid. No transparency. Only the corrupted are involve in this procurement now. Its is no longer rotated and hence the corrupted are reigning in supreme. They collaborated with the supplier to make the "BEST" bid and collaborated to misled everybody involve into believing its all above the board. We use to buy direct and not through trading house. We use to believe trading house doesn't add value to some major equipment manufacturer as they are well represented here in MY. Hence, trading house are taking a big slice of cut just to be in the middle of the action. No work but big slice of commission and etc. That's how we use to see it. Therefore we use to go direct and contact manufacturer to get the best deal and negotiate the best equipment available.

Now after the procurement transaction had been completed suppliers take the corrupted few to lavish dinners. Shower them with gifts and souvenirs the way a man try to woo a woman. Can a woman refuse such a lavish and expensive gifts if there wasn't any love link relationship involve ? This had long been happening now and had already set a precedent and now this corrupted culture had been ingrain deeply into the system. I had been observing this for a time now and when the situation had reach cancerous stages, its time I wrote this as a reminder.

I won't be happy to wait for the day when the whole system come crashing down. And I won't be happy to tell some of them.................." I TOLD YOU SO.".

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