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I tell you I have to give the hats off to the Singaporean. They are really smart ..........I mean government wise compare to my government. You see, yesterday as I was reading the paper I came across an interesting news about SG F1 race. I am not a die hard F1 fan nor spectator but nevertheless I occasionally follow in on the progress and its development. I know who the teams are, the champion and some of the drivers on the circuit.
Ok, enough of the background. What I wanted to write is we really have to give SG credit and respect for their geniuses and outright "thinking out of the box". As far as I understand it, MY have gotten the rights to an F1 racing slot for 5 yrs which is renewable and etc. F1 racing rights and exclusivity is held by F1 maestro Bernie Ecclestone. Therefore since Malaysia had gotten the racing slot and upped the stake with SG nobody thought there could possibly be another racing track located just a stone throw away. Many people including myself thought SG had loss out big time on the potential windfall and publicity avenue with regard to worldwide audiences and coverage. It is among the biggest sports coverage with huge following worldwide after football.
To add salt to wound, many years ago SG PM Lee Kuan Yew and MY PM Mahathir had always quarrel and trying to outdo each other with the grandest project and the most glamour's of the lot. Mahathir must have been smiling since he won the first round and his son is the rights holder and organiser of the F1 race. However, a few years back SG fought back and came out with an ingeniousness plan of holding an F1 race in the city state but it didn't stop there. In order to make it special and to entice Bernie Ecclestone they are making it a first in the world with night racing. Now isn't that smart.
The brains behind all these moves is actually one Mr.Ong who use to be a Malaysian. These Singaporean are actually not Singaporean in the beginning, but in fact Malaysian. They actually migrated to SG and obtain their PR and citizenship after many many years in SG.
Therefore if you really look at the bigger picture and analyse, you will see that all the best brains and brightest are going off to Singapore and being absorbed by them. That's why we have a huge brain drain. All those ASEAN scholarship, bursary and meritocracy system are paying off for them now. They are reaping in the rewards of years of good policy and stable decision. You don't see flip flop decision or policy especially on the education system.
On another note, the man who conquer Mount Everest twice and the only ASIAN to do it and now a famous adventurer turn motivator Singaporean was previously a Malaysian. I only knew about this lately when he visited his father in Port Dickson. Malaysia really Boleh. Born in Malaysia, bred in Malaysia but bury in other countries.

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