Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))

Vernacular School


First of all I do agreed that in an ideal world and in an ideal country there should be only 1 system of education and 1 stream and method of teaching. This is what I called equality and fairness.

Whether vernacular school can create any racial tension or not, that I would have to agree and disagree at the same time.

I don't think the school contributes entirely to the fault of polarization and etc but the parents themselves. I have met a few so called fanatic Chinese and I really feel sorry for them. However, upon getting to know them in detail I found out that they are not raise in an entirely harmonious family and environment. Thus they could be neglected by their own family and thus causes their mind to be out of synch with the entire world. I find them having low general knowledge of the country as well as the world. So I think polarization has to do more with perception of fairness. Most of this kids etc feel they are at the receiving end of the education system. They can't get into local U, deprive of gov sponsor boarding school and thus have to see their parents suffer to make ends meet just so that they can be school properly.

I have been reading a lot of argument, debate and protest with regard to vernacular school in MY. Some fanatic NGO grouping which are associated with political parties are issuing threat, sue and street protest to gain attention and cheap publicity. However, I would like to give my own 2 cents.

If some smart alec wanna remove these vernacular school in the name of unity, then can we also at the same time removed all those matriculation and barrier for the sake of unity ? Can we not ? Pls be fair and pls have some common sense. The existence of matriculation is the same as vernacular school. Why have 2 system ? Why don't everyone just take the same standard exam which is STPM/STP. Some people who flung their SPM/GCSE are able to go into matriculation and thereafter into local uni. Student who have to sit for STPM/A-Level have to slog it out and at the end of the day hope and pray that they would be accepted into their own choice of uni and course. Do you think it is fair? Isn't this sowing disunity and discrimination? What do you think student would think if all of a sudden they found out that they have been getting excellent result yet he/she can't get into local uni just because his result is good? Many students have been disappointed time again and again. With this extraordinary experience the emotional disappointment is passed down from 1 generation to another. At the end of the day nobody is being happy or proud about it except matriculation student who are sure to go into local uni.

It isn't a great feeling to have 2 system. It isn't fair to have 2 different standards just for the admission into the same uni. There is no competition and hence complacency is a norm. I rest my case. Tic for tac. Therefore pls reciprocate some kindness and conscience and don't just think of the Malay agenda. We are all Malaysians. Be fair.

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