Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))

Chinese Educated Mentality


I still don't get Chinese speaking mindset. No matter how I try to explain and open them up, its useless. I can confidently conclude that Chinese educated people are really short sighted and cannot see things beyond their present time. That's why most of them are KIASU and KIASI
people. Its the truth and you can never denied that. Even wifey who is Chinese edu have a very short term view of life, things and etc.

Example, this morning I had a discussion with my colleague. She is moving and relocating to Singapore soon. I ask a very simple basic question. Since her husband and her speaks fluent Japanese, she had an added advantage for Japanese companies. Therefore, I ask out of curiosity whether she knows that the number 1 FDI in Singapore are Americans and not Japanese ? Unlike in Malaysia the number 1 FDI is Jap and hence you have a huge big expat population of Jap in the region of 100k++. Furthermore the way I see it is in SG, there are more English speaking citizen than in Malaysia. Therefore in terms of value and niche market, Jap speaking professional are more valuable over in MY than in SG. The gov policy aren't that pro Jap as far as I am concern. Not like over here in MY where everyone have to "Kow Tow" to the Jap as we have the look east policy. This doesn't apply to SG.

It was just a simple curious question and yet it was taken out of context. Therefore, I feel Chinese edu people are not very far sighted nor visionary. All they see is over the next few days.

Single or Married


I need and am compel to write something with regard to this subject. Lately, I'm not sure I'm being over sensitive or what but being surrounded by single bachelor man and woman. Honestly, I have many friends that are still single and many are married too. I have debated, talk at length and chat with many many friends with regard to this but at the end the conclusion is still open. Here is my personal view after getting many feedback and thoughts from different angle.

1. Being single usually are not by choice. Perhaps only 1-2% are by choice.

2. Bachelor are singles because they are shy, introvert and lack communication skills.

3. Bachelor are single because they did not realize the need for companionship until after the trigger point at age 35 and above. By this time its already too late. However there are always exception and thus I am only talking about the average regular data in my observation.

4. If you are between 20-25 yrs, there is a very high chance for you to get hook while you are studying. If you are between 25-30yrs, there is a 80% chance your get hook from someone in the office or social networking circle. However if you are between 30-35yrs the chances fall drastically to 50% and thereafter above 35yrs the percentage is 20-30%.

5. Most people that I know meet their soul mate either from high school or university. The chances of meeting someone outside of this 2 area I feel is very slim but not impossible. What I mean here is success stories and not acquaintance or social friends and etc.

Therefore, if you ask me whether staying single or being married is good or not..............well I don't think there is a correct answer to that. Being single might be good while you are younger and under 40 but what happen when everybody that you know is dead, no relatives, no friends and yet you are still single through 55 and above??? I have seen many cases and things that I experience in my everyday life. Actually this issue/topic is almost similar to some of my friend who
opt not to have kids after marrying for a few years. Though not sure they really don't want kids or just that they had try their best but can't procreate..................this can only be answer by themselves and their own god. Usually they don't want to tell and will just say ..............nah we don't want any kids yet. You get the drift. However, if you dig deeper than you find out......hei, they like kids and they have been trying for a baby for a few yrs and yet nothing came out. In Asian culture and Chinese mentality/stigma...............not many people are that open and frank
about their own life nor their problem.

Recently I manage to meet up a long lost friend who was very close once. Its a complex situation but then my wife best friend is his wife best friend.............sound confusing right but hei, you get the drift. Anyway, I found out that he had been married for a few years now. I didn't manage to attend his wedding the last time I think was due to my son falling sick and etc. You know how married men conversation is. He asks me how my family, how many kids and etc etc are. Then I return back the question and blah blah blah.................. Then I know he is still childless. So I ask him what his plan is!! He said,.....................erh.................not yet planning blah blah blah................skirting the question, changing off topic stuff and etc etc. I come across this kind of situation quite often and am use to it already. Later I ask him point blank. You don't want
to have kids? Then come the long silence the pause.......erh..........depend on god la...............not under my control and etc etc.

I can still give a few more examples. A good friend of mine in US also same. She was skirting that question when we were skypeeing. Then finally she said, depend on god la..........blah blah blah.....been trying very hard....giggling and etc.

So you see, you can't get any truth out of Asians actually in the first few lines. You will only get the truth if you dig deeper and after a long conversation. Opps............skirting from the main
topic issue already. I think having kids and procreation deserve an individual topic by itself. So back to the mentor from work. He had already resign from my work place long long time ago. He's successful and he has everything. He's almost 42 now. Way pass his hunting season. He is no longer eligible for the game because he is not entering the game
itself. He is now a real estate agent and I guess there are occasions when he would feel the world is cold and quiet when he is not busy running around. My aunt felt that way too. I never thought my own aunt feel that way. It was review to me by my cousin in one of our conversation. Sometimes my aunt cried alone at home and feels the world is cold and lonely.

So from my experience and observation, I still think being single and bachelor is not by choice. It's something to do with social environment or other external factor which influences a person
perspective to life. Now I am a bit worry about the future of my kids. It's scary to know of so many people who are single around me...............hehhe. I always believe the existence of positive chi will generate a negative chi. There's an equal to everything. So a man
existence on earth isn't complete without the other half. Equilibrium.

Of topic but quite relevant. Recently I have a friend of 11yrs who migrated to another place. Since then I feel a bit alone. There's no more firefly, no quarrel, no someone you can just talk rubbish with. Heck, if I can't survive without this friend of mine how on earth am I
going to make it without my wife. She's my soul mate. She's my everything. We share everything. We talk, we quarrel and we grow together. She completes me.

Another Good Joke


A Japanese doctor says

'Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out

of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for JOB in six


A China doctor says

'That is nothing, we can take a lung out of one person, put it in

another, and have him looking for JOB in four weeks.

A Singaporean doctor says

'In my country, medicine is so far progressed that we can take half a

heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them both looking

for JOB in two weeks.'

The Malaysian doctor, not to be outdone, says

'You guys are way behind, we recently took a man with no brains, out

from Kepala Batas, Penang, put him in the Parliament for 5 years, and now

half the country is looking for JOB.'

Using LISTERINE as Mosquito Repellent


Using LISTERINE as Mosquito Repellent

I can't wait to try this in the summer!

Mosquito Spray...Worth a try

I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting everyone. A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared. The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well. It worked at a picnic where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing area, and the standing water nearby. During the summer, I don't leave home without it.....Pass it on.OUR FRIEND'S COMMENTS: I tried this on my deck and around all of my doors. It works - in fact, it killed them instantly. I bought my bottle from Target and it cost me $1.89. It really doesn't take much, and it is a big bottle, too; so it is not as expensive to use as the can of Bug-spray you buy that doesn't last 30 minutes. So, try this, please. It will last a couple of days. Don't spray directly on a wood door (like your front door), but spray around the frame. Spray around the window frames, and even inside the dog house.

Now these are Good Mosquitos!!!

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