Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))



I am really all for our ex-PM. I pity him and I respect him more than previously. Wanted to visit him for his open house but didn't know he had one. As I watched the news this evening regarding PM vs ex-PM it had me thinking hard too. Our ex-PM is not an angel nor is out current PM. All of them are there for their own political aganda and for their self financial gain. However, at least the way I see is at least we have MSC, Putrajaya, Proton, Petronas and all the major investment and FDI.

Just look at Badawi reign. FDI had drop and losing ranking among the ASEAN in terms of FDI which is contrary to what Rafidah had been feeding the local mass media. Its in the bank statistic....look it up. Then was it a co-incidence that since a few years back our local university are losing their shine and world ranking. There are many more scenario but I wouldn't want to mention it here. Just ask yourself. Are you confident with the economy and the future economy ? I'm not.......the sun doesn't look to bright cause the haze is covering it and .....damn no common sense leader are doing anything about it.

Wayang Kulit (Opera Show)


Did anybody read about the jackass and his 2 sidekick family embroil in the controversy to become the municipal councilor ? Is that a joke or what. Did you see his mansion, palace or island whatever you want to call it.

Just what all this UMNOputra and the all mighty ruling party is doing. It is just mockery and laughing stock to the system, to the intelligence and an insult to everyone. Read all you can about the guy and his fiasco here.

The best joke of it all.............the Sultan of Selangor want to see him and he has the guts to give excuses and avoid meeting the Royal Highness. What !! If its me.......I would be trembling, shaking and crawling to meet His Royal Highness asap. What the jackass did was tell his boss or HRH that he not feeling well. What lame excuses can you think of ? I thought we school children or normal ordinary citizen only do that.

Pathetic !!

Part 2


Short-small Noise:
What happen if you deal with pessimistic homosapien or kiasuism betina who has zero intelligence. What do you do with them ?



Some good news for today. It was all a false alarm and on hindsight. Anyway me going for an interview tomorrow. Wish me luck and hopefully the interviewer is very generous and nice. Else........I don't know what to say anymore. However, from day 1 I think I shouldn't put my hope to high. Therefore as excited as I might be, I feel I should not get carry away and come to nothing. Just had a brief chatting with one of my friend working in the company I'm going for an interview. He himself had got an offer from Agilent. However, I really don't like that guy. He's too secretive and too ...........I just don't know what to say. I try asking his salary but he never tell. Not like my other friend. What is so secretive about one's salary. More or less its almost the same but sometimes, before I go for interview, I would prefer to have a survey of the market and get a gauge of the true actual salary of the surrounding.

Spur of The Moment


Pregnancy is a very taboo and a very headache issue. Lately my wifey had misses her period and we are beginning to suspect that she is pregnant. Being pregnant is a very open and happy issue but nevertheless at the moment we are not financially there yet. We are bot down financially with a new house which we had just bought and in the stage of renovating. It is something both of us are looking forward to. The house would be our milestone or a marker to remind us of how far and long we had gone. It is my dream to be able to own my own house and to be able to built and renovate according to my whim and fancy. That milestone is where we can proudly announce we are liberated.

So if wifey is truly pregnant again, I just had myself to be blamed. Didn't use protection and just follow spontaneity and the spur of moment. Having kids is great but it really is a very big responsibility and also time consuming activities. I don't recommend to those who is faint hearted or busy people on the move. A definite NO, no. So I am not sure what to do now. I pray hard last night to ask god to forgive me once again. Hopefully he has mercy on me and give me another chance to put things right. I will have to make sure the planning and timing are right before deciding to have another baby again. Oh well, whatever happen had happen, just have to wait for the pregnancy test kit result this week.

Honda Edix





















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