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Long Holiday

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Well, I had been taking a long holiday since moving from one company to another. Since then had been getting a wee bit lazy in writing though i got the time on hand.

Last week a good friend of mine tells me that he's having his 4th kid. I was surprised but not stun. All men like sex. I bet those just married are more horny then those who are older. So sex is part of pro-creation. Nothing dirty to it and nothing to shy about. In fact I think it is just an exercise like a good massage or aromatherapy ......:)

It was partly accident according to him but he's ok with it. He like kids and he come from a family of 8 siblings. However, woman don't like kids when there are more than 2. They can't deal with it and are totally stress up. There are always 2 side to a story. On 1 side there are the old, DIY fashion type who thinks 'tin sang tin yong' all a matter of fate and destiny. Many Malays in Malaysia have 1/2 a dozen or more in the name of 'rezeki'. Most feel that the children will grow up to take care of the old folks. So if 1 kid give 200 for pocket money or whatever you call it, then multiply that with 6 or more........... that's a good income after retirement. In most cases, its even better than investment fund or any retirement scheme or pension scheme.......hahahha. On another side they are those who wants quality, perfection and non compromising style. Therefore, usually as with many cases the wife and the husband are usually in opposite group.

The husband want more kids while the wife want just bare minimum. Anyway, I hope this friend of mine can cope as I think its stressful and all hands will be full.

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