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Chinese Educated Mentality

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I still don't get Chinese speaking mindset. No matter how I try to explain and open them up, its useless. I can confidently conclude that Chinese educated people are really short sighted and cannot see things beyond their present time. That's why most of them are KIASU and KIASI
people. Its the truth and you can never denied that. Even wifey who is Chinese edu have a very short term view of life, things and etc.

Example, this morning I had a discussion with my colleague. She is moving and relocating to Singapore soon. I ask a very simple basic question. Since her husband and her speaks fluent Japanese, she had an added advantage for Japanese companies. Therefore, I ask out of curiosity whether she knows that the number 1 FDI in Singapore are Americans and not Japanese ? Unlike in Malaysia the number 1 FDI is Jap and hence you have a huge big expat population of Jap in the region of 100k++. Furthermore the way I see it is in SG, there are more English speaking citizen than in Malaysia. Therefore in terms of value and niche market, Jap speaking professional are more valuable over in MY than in SG. The gov policy aren't that pro Jap as far as I am concern. Not like over here in MY where everyone have to "Kow Tow" to the Jap as we have the look east policy. This doesn't apply to SG.

It was just a simple curious question and yet it was taken out of context. Therefore, I feel Chinese edu people are not very far sighted nor visionary. All they see is over the next few days.

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