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A CNY Visit

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Recently, one of my friend Mr.P who use to stay nearby came over to my house for CNY with his gf. That was the first time I meet his gf though he had told me so much about her. I have been pestering and reminding him many times to bring his gf along but unfortunately I think there were many occasion which wasn't right. Example, when a bunch of guys was around howling aloud throughout the middle of the see I think its awkward when you have a bunch of nerd or wolves sitting around a table talking about politics, medicine, stocks and etc. It kind of scared all the girls away. I notice his gf looks a little bit like my ex-classmate. There was a 80% resemblance but she had more baby fats..............heheheheh.

Not that my other friend would ever care or take notice. They are just blunt and stone to be precise. Nerd ......... well............don't think they are now. Square, stone or whatever you call it. I still think and in fact common sense said its awkward to have a bunch of guys surrounding a single girl in a mamak.

Nevertheless, I find it hard to tell these single bachelor what is right or what is wrong. They are obviously egotist and don't like to hear it from someone who doesn't have a "Dr" in front of my name. Thus I hope they realize themselves and get their act together and improve on their social skills.

I still remember a few years back when P was driving me back after a late night of mamak and I had the chance to have a one to one conversation with him. At first I didn't know how to put it to him on his "short" coming and what I felt was his missing link with girls. However, since we had been friends for quite some time and I thought we should be honest with each other. After all I was concern with his social life at that time. He wasn't having any success with girls or scoring any goals. I felt and thought I needed to say something even though it could damage our friendship. As long as the end result was effective and he manages to find a gf, then I would be more than happy to be the sacrificial lamb. The bad guy.

Thus, I told him his short coming straight into the face. However, I still try to be as diplomatic as I could be.

1. Man need to be more open. Not in the head but also the wallet. I remember vividly that a mutual friend of us relate how P was a little bit stingy and thrifty. Yeah, thrifty is good but not when you are trying to woo and chasing your future wife. Yes there are exception but what I am trying to put here is the majority and the field where I am more familiar with. Girls like to be pamper, treated well and when they are on top of the world, you need to make them feel like heaven. I don't remember in my experience seeing a girl who doesn't like the guy to pamper or treat her well. I mean for the 1st stage of tackling a girl, I have never meet a gal telling me.....pls keep your wallet in your pants. Either the gal aren't interested in you or she isn't sure yet. Therefore the keyword here is be a gentleman. We are not Americans nor Europeans. We are still very traditional and in this part of the world the woman are still very much old fashion (money wise).

2. He always fumble or was it nervous when he speaks. He would try very hard to make himself the centre of attention and prefer to be the main person talking. I still remember he use to jumble up in his conversation and a few of my friends have a hard time trying to figure out what he was trying to say. Throughout the years I think he has improve tremendously cause I never notice this anymore. Perhaps he had moved on and fully matured. This could be true cause I have a kid who happens to be a year end b'day boy. As I had been observing my kid, I think there is a huge difference between the month of birth of a kid. A kid who is born beginning of the year compare to year end have a huge maturity gap and learning skills. People treat him as 2 when he is only 1. Its the education system we are having here that is influencing all this. This is deep, I know. But the fact is he wasn't at the level I presume he was in yet.

3. I still remember blurringly about our Sg.Lembing trip. We went up the hill in the wee hours of the morning with touch light. Just before sunrise, we went further hoping to explore the hill and find a more suitable viewing angle. P and I was in a group. Wifey was there too. As I was walking in front trying to clear some bushes and path for others to follow, P suddenly went in front of me. I wasn't sure what was happening and I might be wrong. But at the end, he got himself lost when we decided to turn back to the original hill. My friends and I couldn't find him. Everybody had panic. We call out his name but there was no reply. Not sure if he was holding any touch light but I scout around the bushes and can't find any sign of him at all. It was total darkness. Then I told the rest of the member not to break off to look for him cause I worry others would get lost too. There wasn't many guys in the group. Mostly gals and thus it was dangerous to ask them to go down hill to search for him. I felt really bad then. I was responsible for him cause I invited him. I told everybody we would wait for a few more minutes to see whether he can find his way back before we call for help. Finally P manages to find his way back. There was no reaction from him at all nor any thank you for our concern and effort of trying to look for him. He was those guy with big egos and thick face then. He just pretend nothing had happen and continue his usual fumbling talk but I sense then that he wasn't at all at ease. This wasn't my opinion but from other friends as well. Can you imagine how the gals see him. Moral of the story. Don't try to be a hero if you are not a hero. Being average and normal is enough.

To cut things short, my friend P is now a happy man. He has finally manages to land himself a trophy gf........hehehhehe. A young sweet gal. I am so happy for him. I hope he will quickly take the next step forward and join me in my experience. Going further 1 step up to another level and enjoying life. I notice there is a huge change in him to the better. Physically as well as mentally. I am happy to say for once that my friend P is now a step ahead of me in life and in coming years. Gambate, and omedeto gozaimasu.

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