Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

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Vanilla Sky

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Yesterday I had the rare occasion of sitting in front of the tellies and enjoying a beautiful story. I didn't start with the show. I only manages to catch it after a quarter of the show had transpired. The lead actor was Tom Cruise and he immediately capture my attention. His acting skills was top notch. He is a pro and I have to give him credit. Anyway, the plot/script of Vanilla Sky was interesting and it manages to capture my full attention. It was a complex dark fiction. I was trying to put together the whole plot and trying to guess how the ending would be. The show moved in great pace and it was leading me to think where the hell was "David" (Tom Cruise character). He was shifting from the state of dreaming and reality and I couldn't quite follow at first.

Its was a special show which was unusual and something different. I would recommend it to all who like a good fiction.

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