Last Sat I met a long lost friend who I have lost contact with. I really haven't heard from her since she got married. She still haven't changed a bit and still look elegant, vibrant and young. I am not too sure what happen. It was a long time ago. During that time, I know that she was in a bad relationship with her ex-boss son. They have been together for quite sometime and thus after a reluctant break off she was in a turbulence time. They got back together but it only lasted for a few months I think.
I still remember calling to check on her and trying to console her cause she was then in really really bad shape. Then I thought P was going after her but then I advice him not to push it and it was an inappropriate time. After a few month, the next I know she was already with another guy. There after she quit her job and went over to the States for so called vacation under holiday working visa. It was over a year and the next I knew and heard was she called to tell me she's getting married soon and so on that date. I wasn't sure and confuse actually but hey it wasn't my life and I have no business putting my nose into other peoples business. But I am glad she had found the love of her life. The guy seem very natural, friendly and a good husband. I hope she really is happy and enjoying her life to the fullest. There is nothing more happy for me then seeing a good friend happy and enjoying life as a breeze. I always like a good happy ending.
She tells me and P that she and her husband have bought a house in Orlando, Florida. She show us her house photos, her colleague and etc. I think she is in good hands and having the best time of her life. Its so wonderful seeing her again.
Anyway, I have forgotten how come P knew my friend. Perhaps it was one of those trips that I organises and I always bring P along when I meet up with my other friends. I think it all started with the trip to Redang in year 2000 or perhaps before that. Those were the best time of my life.
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