Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))

Merdeka !!! Pay Rise Merdeka !!!


Wow, all the government servant which include teachers and doctor's and etc are getting a pay rise of between 7.5% to 35%. That's way better than my company which is giving us only 2-3%. In addition my company which is an MNC is consider world largest. This is crap and life is getting difficult. Inflation rate is rising, my salary is stagnant and shouldering more liability and have kids to feed...............I should had become a teacher or join government servant. It really pays to join government now. Its lucrative and its glamorous. In fact I feel the G are going to increase the retirement age of male to at least to 60 while woman to 55. Its practical and its only logic. However it would had been better if private sector could follow along cause at present the retirement is at 55 which is way to young. There is still many things an employee at 50 or 55 can contribute. Just look at those top management at those listed company and at our present government structure. Our very own PM is still going strong and can lead the country after his retirement at 55. If anybody have any doubt then all our leaders should step down and make way for younger leaders.
Nevertheless, I feel it is unlikely that the private sector will ever follow to G footstep cause it involve huge cost. Take for example if you are 56 then your salary should be very high cause at 55 you might have reach saturation point. Then the company would have to fork out his insurance and medical benefit plus other miscellaneous and etc. Why would a sane company hired old timer if they can get young guys to work for them at peanuts salary. Of course unless we have created a condition whereby there is a shortage of manpower for all the industry and thus companies have no choice but to keep experience and wise staff way pass their retirement age. I don't foresee that there will be any solution on this in the near term or ever at all. FDI is already at saturation point and in fact the growth rate has been minimal.
Therefore at best the G will only extend the retirement age limit if it does not cause a deep hole in the pocket. I think its quite significant amount considering an extra 5 yrs and also other benefits plus EPF contribution and etc.
The crust of my discontent ion is on the justification for any pay rise. Beside inflation and economic sense wise, those civil servant need to raise the bar for customer relationship and efficiency. Else in the long run the whole system will crumble cause it can no longer be sustainable. Imagine the G have to fork out million and millions of dollar and yet efficiency are still on par with 3rd world country. There will be no FDI coming in and the whole country will be embroiled in bribery scandal and culture. chaos.........chain effect.



I have a problem with my sister-in law husband. Find him very fake and .......there's something which I can't pin point. Perhaps it was me too. Not very sure. You see he's older than me....way way old. I think around going to 40's. He married my sister-in law who is still in her late 20's or early 30's. The problem is I married my wife who is the eldest and hence by right in Chinese philosophy and ranking I am suppose to be elder. Do you get the mixed up or mis-match situation I am trying to explain here ?

Therefore every time the whole family have some function or dinner or something, it seem to me that he is always the spokesman, adviser.....or whatever you called it. I don't feel easy about it and neither do I feel it is right. You see if there is something going on in the family...........something appealing to get low cost houses and etc, her family will ask wifey help. So I presume with this she is place importantly since she is the eldest and the smartest around. Nevertheless, doesn't go that way. Every time there is something going on which needed a decision to be made.....her sister is the one who makes it. If not then her husband is the one who call the shot.

Therefore is it fair to say wifey and I by virtual right have no place to call any shot since I am younger in age and wiser too ? This is just like in a company organisation structure. Its communism. I don't mind not getting involved in the decision making if wifey and I don't have to pay or contribute money and etc. Nevertheless, that was not the case. We have to pay or share half-half and yet can't make any decision or say anything about it. To add salt to wound, we are suppose to be the elder if follow to Chinese practise.

I told myself this will be the last straw. In future, anything else we have to pay then you can forget about me going. I am not going to pay and yet being shove around and he behave as if he is the boss. If he wants to be the boss, then go ahead and pay the whole thing. I will be more than happy to keep quiet and eat without any complaint. I don't think I am being freckles, envy, egoistic but respect. Respect wifey as the eldest kid and respect me for being the elder uncle. Respect me and my opinion because I pay for it too.

However, I have heard that this usually occur because 1 party are weak.........weak human being and hence can't make the decision. So the stronger party will stand out and be heard as in this case. I guess I have nobody to blame except myself for marrying a weakling wifey. She can't say anything at home and she has no backboned. She doesn't talk back to her parents nor question them at all. I on the other hand are brought up according to the western culture way. Totally opposite. East and west. Nevertheless you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of wifey and her family. They are known to be .....................psycho when the fuse snap.

On another matter my sister-in law went to HK Disneyland 2 weeks back and she had bought 2 t-shirt for my kid. First observation on the bag and the packaging........thought it was Disney merchandise but on closer scrutiny........the t-shirt tag..........jian jun......something like that...........must be some pavement store in HK or their famous Tsim Tsa Chui which sell cheap fake copy cat merchandise of Disney item. I remember when wifey and I went to NZ tour we had bought some very good original stuff for her kid. Occasionally too wifey always buy nice blouse and cloths from branded merchandise shop for her kids during CNY, Christmas and etc. She has 2 daughter and hence when wifey see a lot of nice cloths and therefore had to buy them and you know la......girls are great to be decorated with. I don't mean to sound sensitive but she's not that poor. They have a few houses, go Disney land and working for a Jap MNC and etc...............not poor but above average I would say. I just don't understand.



This is late but better than never.!! Read on.
Did you read today's top stories in the local paper. The G is going to ask PWD or whatever to checked on the August House for the roof leakage problem and etc. My god, those stupid basta$%#% who sits in the house approve the 80million plus billed to have the August House renovated and yet miss out on the roof. Who was the so called expert/architect and etc who make the proposal in the first place. Head need to be chopped and the whip need to be use to make some damage control. No ? Its really ridiculous and now almost bordering on stupidity and dumb ass hole. What was the 80million for ? I would really like to get my hands on the bill and scrutinise one by one the breakdown and ask question. 80million.......the toilet WC and etc must be make of gold and those seats table the bastard are using must be make of space age technology stuff...............even better than the white house.
My friend and I find it so ridiculous that you need to spend 22million just so to check on all the buildings and etc in Putrajaya. Just give me that 22million and I can get the job done with half of it. First I will employed all those unemployed grad or specifically civil eng grad to lepak around the G building and pick-up any issue or better still look for college kid who are going for internship and pay them only 200-500 for the same job. Just how many manpower do you need ? 1000, 2000 or 10,000 ?? The best is yet to come. 22million is just for checking....look, see and talk..............something Mr.Ah Neh Neh is very good at. The next biggest laughable clown statement would be the cost to make the repair itself. I'm sure all those excited contractor are now at his doorsteps, ringing him to ask for favour. Don't be surprise to see or hear that the cost of repair might be higher than the cost to renovate it in the first place.
Since we are on the same subject about the G I might as well have a goal at it on the 2 stooges. The 2 fellow....animal I prefer to called them are just clown in the making. Their main purpose to be in August House is to provide entertainment so that the house will not be so quiet and dull. Just take a look at them. No substance, no intellectual intelligence, no shame and know no rules. The 2 bast%#^$$ intimidate and sexually harass the woman opposition MP and yet both of them didn't utter any apology to her but instead trying to go about or around it by making general apology to the general public. What on earth is that !!! The house speaker is totally an idiot and absolutely a puppet. How oblivious can you get, Did you see live the interview with our esteem intelligent DPM on this issue when it broke and the reporter ask his opinion. He told everybody....the whole country that the 2 bas$#% are just joking and it was just make in jest when arguing with the opposition.
Therefore my question is if the August House can be exempted and DPM interpret it that way, can I do it to other woman in my office, stranger and etc while arguing or whatever ulterior motive I have. Can I say to a woman .....hei finished leaking this month ?.........and give her a blinking eye.....while laughing and smiling........can I ........can I ? I thought the August House had pass a sexual harassment act ...bill or something to prevent sexual harassment and to better protect woman at workplace. They are the ones who had read and heard the bill when it was tabled and approved. I still remember it vividly cause my company issue a statement on this and then my woman colleague were all trying to accuse us of sexual harassment...........jokingly. The guys were like.........we got to be more careful while eating banana in the office and in front of woman. If they don't like us, they can always shout sexual harassment and cite the bill to take us to court. So there...........the 2 stooges, clown having a goal at a woman MP using explicit languages and getting away with it as usual.........the same close one eye fellow who was sore when he didn't get his Mercedes cheaply. I remember his despicable act although 80% of the population might not be.



I haven't been to any movies for ages. Its not that I don't like movies but its just different now. When you are young, all you do during a relationship is to go for movie, dinner and ...........ahem......what young kid with high testtherone hormone do. As time catches up on me, as time move faster than light, finding the right time to slot in between my busy schedule and juggling everything is difficult. Finding the time to queue up with hundreds and hundreds of kid trying to buy a movie ticket is a bit of luxury. It is just a waste of time and also a waster of energy to queue for a show. I find it ridiculous now. The point is you could spend the time better off doing something productive and valuable than staring at the wall, ceiling or young kids who don't have any manners at all.
I just hate to queue. Didn't queue a lot when I was younger cause back then not many people know how to use the computer to book online. Neither many of them know how to use sms or phone to make reservation and etc. After many years and evolution, all the young generation now knows about online booking and the culture of 'kiasuism'. You should go and observe the situation when there is a new movie being release. The queue and the crowds are just terrible. You could have mistaken yourself being in a pasar malam or in the wet market. Everybody is sweating profusely and you could smell the bad breath of the fellow in from of you. Cramping like sardines and some pathetic kid trying to jump queue and etc.
There is just no way to escape the queue even if you had waited for the hot movie to die down. Usually the first 2 weeks of a newly release movie will be hot cake. All the teenagers and young adult will be flocking to the cinema for it. Therefore after the 2nd week, I thought the popularity would had died down but damn....was I wrong. I try booking the movie online and try different time and places for the selected show but every time the same message came out ....." fully booked". Disappointed and frustrated. Why can't all our local cinema operator improve and improvise on the online booking system. A lot can still be done to make it all work faster, easier and accurately without compromising on cost. The existing system now is very outdated and doesn't seem to be working well at peak times.

Unblock Attachment


I learned something new today. You see my proxy firewall had been blocking many attachement sent by my supplier and some of the rules are plain riduculous and dumb. First they block all "ZIP" files, then "EXE" and after that all "WMA", "WMV" and etc. In my line of work we need to deal with supplier everyday and we have to sent them data and information for them to make their product. It's specification and etc. Many of this data are very large size and contain multiple files. Therefore, if the size are too large then we just "ZIP" it up and sent the file. Some supplier doesn't have "ZIP" program and thus we need to make the "ZIP" data self -extractable. When we do this, the files are usually in "EXE". These are just some of the examples I am giving. Now you know how difficult and dumb our proxy administrator are.
I mean blocking application files for security reason I understand. But what are the practicalbility ? In IT world, there is nothing finite. No matter what security system that you can come out with, there will always be a backdoor or a hole around it. Of course all this security plicy and implementation are just to fool and prevent dummies from accidentally causing havoc. If you really know a thing or 2 about computers, superhighway www knowledge then its pointless. What is important is education and training. I believe awareness and making people understand the implication and results are much better than treating them as dummies and brainless employee.
Heard later on, the IT fellow then unblock "ZIP" files and remove the stupid policy. Nevertheless, for "EXE" and those video and audio files still stand but was surprised to learn that the IT fellow themself are circumvanting around the policy. One of them told me at a slip of the tongue that they are using office suite to attached the video/audio files as one of the method. This way, the proxy filter will only indentify the office document and not the attachment. Hence , the filtering is done on Level 1 only. Not sure how true is that. Perhaps have to try. He also accidently taught me how to play with the registry editor to remove the "EXE" blocking. The setting I mean......not really playing.
So here's a glimpse on the setting and for my knowledge.

If you observed, you need to go into regedit and then find outlook security setting folder. Then create a totally "new string value" with the name "Level1Remove" and key in the data ".exe". Thus when new email comes in, it will not removed files with attachment ending with ".exe".

Love Is In The Air


GE (General Election)
Yeap, GE is coming anytime soon. The roads in my housing area, LDP, Kesas, Plus are all being laid. Its funny when I was young I shrug this off when people everywhere tells me, GE is coming and that the G is giving lots of goodies to create that wonderful atmosphere. Just take a look at the KLSE stock exchange. Record high and all those wonderful and record breaking news. Trillion trade value transaction and feel good factor - salary pay rise for public servant. I have to believe what I hear and what I see now. Its all in front of me. It all sound too good to be true but for how long this will sustain before the G call for general election ?
I can smell the GE coming soon. It has to be before end of the year. A few of my friend had this theory that maxis, bjcorp and etc are going for privatisation because their main shareholder......which is khazanah (G investment holding company) need to have money for GE. Therefore, Mr. Anan of Maxis and etc are paying Khazanah a premium so that G will have money to moved forward for GE. Haven't you wonder why all of a sudden there are so many privatisation going on and all very quickly. Its no coincidence I believe but turning around the system in circle. Shifting of money from A to B and then back to A. Well, it was a theory and it does seem logic and practical.
Ever also wonder why the market sentiment is so good and had been steadily going up. A bull run for a few month now. The syndicate are involved in all this speculative rise and un-fundamental hu ha..............Thus, be careful if you are a small time investor and don't get too greedy. Greed is very powerful and influential. Best is to refrain temporarily and wait for the cloud to clear and the sun can be seen.

Hmmm........this is a very interesting proposition and I am sure many out there would want to know.
On one hand we can't say No to her directly but yet worry it would break her sensitive and fragile feeling. Just how do all of us do it. I don't want to go into it directly but we will analyse the indirect approach.
1. Tell her that the kid are afraid and don't like to follow other people except their own parents.
2. The kid are not feeling well and are sensitive to dust and crowd.
3. The father is very fierce and very stern. Discipline is very important. No hush hush and No means no.
4. The world outside is very dangerous with all kinds of people and hence not advisable to take kid out so far alone.
5. Shouldn't pamper the kid with toys and purposely buy so many toys for him. Not good to pamper and will only spoilt the kid.
6. Interfere with their sleeping time and pattern. Not good to interrupt their daily routine. Weekends ok but then weekend will be another different story (just a lame excuse  - parents are there for them during weekends).
7. The other kid was disappointed didn't get to go. Bias and not right.
8. If there is any train breakdown and etc..........and unforeseen incident, the father will be hopping mad and angry. Who will take the responsibility ?
9. Taking kids out is allowed but have to teach the kid to ask permission from parents/guardian. Discipline and obedience.
10. Honesty and integrity. Not cheating and proceed first and tell later kind of attitude. The father don't tolerate this at all.
Therefore as punishment and to let your mother-in law knows you mean business, her visitation right and time will be taken away. That is how we show and mean NO to your mother-in law. Hopefully I have my wifey support else this will not be the first and last incident of dis-respect.

KEYGHOST - Important Information - please read


Check out the following URLs:

A new device has been introduced to the marketplace that is a huge danger to anyone who uses a PC that is not theirs. It is known as a key tracker and it sits between the keyboard and the PC. As can be seen in the pictures it is very discreet but is probably one of the most dangerous items of equipment to personal information that is readily available. These devices record every key that is pressed on the keyboard. Due to it's position (it sits between the keyboard and the PC) the information is logged by the tracker before the PC knows about it and as such is very difficult for the PC to detect. They are available in both USB and PS2 formats so pretty much any PC can be logged. The user puts the tracker in line, leaves it there for a set amount of time and then retrieves it. They can then download the data onto their own PC.

If you intend to use a PC that is not yours (ie hotel business centre, internet café, airport etc) I would advise looking at the back of the PC to see if one of these trackers has been placed in line (scrambling under a desk is the better alternative to losing your email details). If you cannot get to see the back of the PC, I would suggest you don't use it for anything personal. If a tracker is there and you do not notice it, whoever placed it there (could be any user of that PC before you) will be able to recall all of your keystrokes - logins, passwords etc.


- Do Caution your loved ones - 

Especially for those living in these areas, please be extra alert. There has been a lot of robbery/kidnap cases in the Bandar Utama/Subang/ USJ/Sunway areas. Suspected gang operating: Camry Gang - up to 8 members in different cars at different times.

Modus Operandi - at anytime but mostly during the day. They would stalk you and as you drive to your gate, "kidnap" you, take you to the ATM - sometimes several and withdraw money. So, if you do have several ATMs, just keep 1 on you and not all.

These cars have been used:

Silver Toyota Camry - WMW 6638
Golden Toyota Camry - WNU 9232
Beige Merz - PFY1221
Silver Perdana - WJP 3738
Orange Gen 2 - XXX 6610
Proton Wira - reported without details

Description: 2 Malay guys ( 20 -30 yrs old) One thin and the other stout. Could be up to 4 guys at times.

Interesting Article


During the weekend, I read a very fine article by this Dzof Azmi on StarMag. Very interesting and it was about standing out and voicing what is in your mind. If there is something you need to say or ask, then do it else forever you will regret it. If we don't say something when you want to then you will never know what greatness will come out of it. Logic is the opposite of emotion and both need to co-exist together symbiotically.

Speak up and be heard


Even though everybody around the table knows a bad decision is being made, everyone stays quiet, because the man saying it has a Datuk in front of his name.
THINGS left unsaid are the source of some of the greatest tragedies in the world.
It's true. Civil society requires constant communication and the less we say to each other, the less we know about each other. And the less we know of others, the less we understand of ourselves.
Think about it. How many times have you regretted keeping quiet and letting the world pass by? They say decisions are only made by those who turn up, but if you don't use your voice, you might as well not be there.
If you see something wrong, something that grates the inside of your soul, to not let it out would be to let it fester inside.
In case you might think it doesn't apply to you, how many times have you walked away at the end of a meeting, agreeing with your peers that, yes, that was a stupid decision?
Or put up with a relative's eccentricities and smile politely at their strange requests?
Or let somebody cut in front of you in a line, think "how rude", but say nothing nevertheless?
How do you feel after something like that? Dissatisfied? Upset? Like you want to reach out and punch that smug idiot who thinks a queue is defined by where he stands?
So, we let things slide, and we don't always do much to rectify it. There are several reasons for this.
"Shy, lah". They say Asians are a reticent and non-confrontational lot. It's our culture. So we will gladly put up with a little difficulty to keep the peace.
What rubbish.
It's true that if you're brought up to not talk back, then you end up on the meek side. But in a globalised society, this should not apply anymore. Anyway, I've seen Malaysians in road rage mode – nothing meek about that.
"Respect your seniors." Again, this is a cultural thing. You don't speak against your elders, and you need to show respect. This is precisely why bad decisions are made in corporations.
Even though everybody around the table knows a bad decision is being made, everyone stays quiet, because the man saying it has a "Datuk" in front of his name.
I could go on and on. However, I am convinced that all these are merely excuses for what I think the real reason is – fear.
We don't stand up to say the things we think because we are just too scared to do so. It takes courage to stand out from the rest. It takes courage to put yourself at risk.
Sometimes, the fear of failure itself is enough of a disincentive. Yet, life in itself is about taking chances.
Your first steps are always shaky, and you will fall, and you may be embarrassed, but even half a step takes you further than no step at all.
Of course, it's easy for me to say all this. When faced with the decision in real life, I've been known to hem and haw.
One of the hardest things I've tried to do was to raise my hand as a member of the audience during a debate in the Oxford Union.
As a member of the audience, you're actually allowed to interrupt a debater, it's something called a Point of Information. My hand actually went up, but I wasn't called upon.
I was actually relieved and felt like I had been let off the hook. Later on, I saw the experienced British MP Norman Tebbit tear into some young undergraduate for what he felt was a stupid point, and all I could think was, "Glad I'm not him".
But the thing is, that undergraduate will be able to say now that he faced one of the greatest political debaters in Britain and lived to tell the tale.
Being able to say what you feel applies on a personal level, too.
When people talk about trust between couples, or in a family, what they mean is that you can just say what you mean and not have to cover everything with layers of politeness. Worse, of course, is when you say nothing at all.
I have a friend who seems to be in love with a girl, but he won't say anything much to her because he thinks she's interested in somebody else.
I don't understand why he doesn't just corner her and say what he feels, thinks and means. It isn't anything bad in itself, and the worst that happens is you lose your pride.
I feel pretty confident to say that if you truly believe what you mean, and if you can frame it in the right way, then you should never feel a reason to be quiet when something wrong passes before you.
I don't know how this will play out in real life, though.
How would you turn to a Prime Minister and tell him that he's wrong? How do you stand up to a police officer and say that asking for bribes is wrong? I don't know, but I'm sure there is a way.
The seconds in life pass by too quickly sometimes and to lose them agonising about what we think should or could be is like living in a fantasy when reality is only an arm's reach away.
Leaving things unsaid is something that limits our potential to be as great as we could be. And that is why I intend to never shut up.
Logic is the antithesis of emotion but mathematician-turned-scriptwriter Dzof Azmi's theory is that people need both to make sense of life's vagaries and contradictions.

You must be thinking of colours. Hmmm......well its colour but what I want to talk about today is skin colour. I'm not racist but the world I'm living in is. I'm not sure whether its coincident or non-coincident but its puzzling in this modern age era, skin colour is very much alive with so much education and humanity being preached everywhere. To give some perspective, my organisation use to like brown, then yellow and now black (latest fashion). Since black is the theme of the company now, everywhere I go I see them. The top man in my sister company now is black hence all his honcho, horses, left right man are all black. It's so obvious and apparent. Since then, HR, Finance, Operation and etc are all headed by blacks. Even my own company had seen blacks mushrooming like wild fire.
Therefore is this bias, racist selection an outcome of our own education, politically racist coalition or just "Best man takes all" ? If its the former, then well.....I have nothing much to say but if its the latter then where is this country and people heading to ? It's really sad, disappointing and helpless to see people being chosen to head/lead an organisation based not on merit, qualification and etc but on skin colour. I'm sure this doesn't confine to my organisation only but many many company in the world too. So what is the moral of the stories ?
Well, wake up and face the sucks. You need to be at the right place, right time, with the right skin colour to make inroad and to make a difference in this world. Not everybody will have that kind of opportunity and chance to shine on stage no matter how talented, gifted and intelligent he/she may feel. Perhaps its destiny or blame it on the "Great Almighty" is really interesting.



Believe it or not, I think computer is a bad influence to many people. I mean it is a good product and also very useful but when user spend too much time on it you tend to lose sense of yourself. Just tell me honestly, you can't differentiate a geek from a nerd right but nowadays you can't anymore. Human are spending just too much time with computers whether its college grad, high school kid, office worker and etc. Too much time till you will lose sense of yourself and engrossed and loss sense of reality too.
It happen to me too. You can say I can't live without a computer and a broadband line. I could surf the net the whole day, tweaking my PC, improving the system and etc. Interestingly, I am not the only one in this world. I have confirmed that a few of my friends and colleague felt the same way. Usually its the male that feel so strongly about computers. Not women. They can live life and do their own chore without the computer. But guys just can't survive without the computer and a broadband.
Let's see why we guys usually surf the net in descending order.
1. To check out the latest news on football
2. To browse porn and entertainment news.
3. To get the latest breaking news.
4. To download latest movie, TV series and etc.
5. Searching for technical information.
6. Product comparison and specification comparison with other brand.
7. Other user feedback and information.
8. Browsing magazine and pursuing hobby.
However, I realise that too much of a computer usually will slowly kill you. Emotionally and mentally. Its very taxing and very tiring to the eyes, mind, body and soul. Its like a vacuum cleaner trying to suck you inside and absorbing all your soul. Once your soul had been separated from the body, what is left is only the shell......zombie. Its sounds scary but that's the fact. Thus one should know and refrain/restrained from using the computer totally for a few days. This way we will be rejuvenated and hence don't feel zombie like.



You need to be seen as ruthless and mean occasionally to put fear into others especially your junior. This applied to most managers who control many subordinate and staff. They feel its not right to be too close with their staff else it could lead to building of a emotional bond or that the staff will know more about his superior. My ex-boss is a staunch supporter of this philosophy. You cannot get too close to your staff, he use to tell me. If you crosses the line then there is no turning back. It could lead to dis-subordination, riot, chaos and all hell break lose. You either want them to follow your instruction with no question ask or you prefer them to not take you seriously. Either way its better if they don't like you and you get the work done else they like you and they might not get the work done at all.
On another camp there is the believe that if you treat the staff well, he/she might appreciate you and hence would tend to dedicate their life and work more for you. They respect you and hence work coherent and together with you to achieve the company goals.
However, if you ask me at this point of time, I can tell you immediately I am all for the former camp. Humans are very complex and unpredictable. Thus, you never get the same person with the same requirement and emotional feeling as the rest of your staff. Some have low requirement and can be satisfy easily while others are a bit hard. Hence,  with most of the younger generation of youth today losing the basic manners, culture and respect to elders I feel strongly that using the hard option is the best way. Ruling with iron first has it plus point and benefit.
Just take a look around you. Its really sad to note that the younger generation isn't what it use to be. I can feel the gap and the distance of opinion, mentality and also experience wise. Youth nowadays just want to have fun and easy going all the time. They tackle women just like tackling football. Change gf just like changing shirts. Worst of all they now smoke and drink as if there is no tomorrow. If you really take a good look further then you will find that out of 10 women all the streets between the ages of 20-30, 8 of them are likely to be smoker. I myself had been taken by surprise with this statistic and most of the time when this nice curvy blonde turn around and places her cigarette into her mouth, I am kind of disappointed.
Are peers pressure or the society gone backwards in mortifying and glamorizing woman who smoke ? Is the feeling of high class and status too strong to be resisted. Forsaking health just so that you look good and feel good to be hanging around important people. Is that the way youth today are being brought up ? Where are we heading to. Point to ponder............!!!!



Just a few days ago, my mom told me that my son was accused of stealing some kid sweets. It was during school over period when my mom went to pick up my son. This kid came over to my mom and started to complain to her that my son took his sweets and kept it in the bag. I guess my mom didn't know what to do and to please the kid, she checked my son's bag to see whether the other kid was telling the truth or not. This created a commotion and all the other kids around being busy body came over surrounding them. If that wasn't enough the teacher also came over. After searching and checking the whole bags, pockets and etc, there was still no sweet to be found. After that the kid make another ruckus and pointed to another location, my mom when along and kept entertaining the other kid. Finally after much hassle and embarrassment no sweet was to be found.

I felt bad and try to support, persuade and stand up for my kid at home. There was nothing much to it actually but then I felt my kid was being embarrass for no apparent reason. The kid sure be ashamed of himself and given a good whack. Since my mom is from the old school type, she kept telling my kid to refrain from taking any stuff from other kids. My wifey was also saying the same thing. I felt really bad for my kid and I felt being in his shoes. I didn't go hard on him cause I realise quickly that I needed to deal with this in a delicate manner.

However, I told this story to a colleague and she advised me that I shouldn't have done what my mom should do. Since it was only over a sweet and its a small matter what my mom should do is ignore the kid and tell him we will give the kid more sweets tomorrow. Later at home only then should we checked his bag and try to persuade him to tell us the actual stories. Kids are really delicate and very sensitive. I felt I didn't deal with my kid intelligently. I should have play with him and coax him to tell me the whole story. I also hate the rude kid. I felt that kid also need to be spank for telling half pass stories and creating a scene. You know how kids are in school. At their age, they don't know how to tell right or wrong yet and if the kid give you a sweet and then turn around and cry fault and accused you of taking his sweets..........who would you believe ? This happen in every school and kids are just kids. We shouldn't take their words and action too seriously most of the time.

I need to find out who the rude kid is.

Graphic Designer


This is cute.

This is what happen if you have a father who is a graphic designer.



I had a dream last night. I dreamt that wifey had a kid. A girl and she's a single mom. Some how or a rather I married her and I love her for what she is. I am not sure if it was a good dream or a bad dream but what I knew was that I wasn't sweating about it when I woke up in the morning. Its funny too that all I remember from last night dream was cuddling and playing with her kid. It was all a bit fuzzy and blur but nevertheless I remember vividly that the kid was a girl.........not sure whether it is a sign or indicating anything behind it ....hehehe. Oh well, back to the real world.

Stopping Cough At Night


Try this remedy

It works 100% of the time although the scientists at the Canada Research council (who discovered it) aren't sure why. To stop nighttime coughing in a child (or adult as we found out personally), put Vicks Vaporub generously on the bottom of the feet at bedtime, then cover with socks. Even persistent, heavy, deep coughing will stop in about 5 minutes and stay stopped for many, many hours of relief.

Works 100% of the time and is more effective in children than even very strong prescription cough medicines. In addition it is extremely soothing and comforting and they will sleep soundly.

It was a surprising finding and found to be more effective than prescribed medicines for children at bedtime, in addition to have a soothing and calming effect on sick children who then went on to sleep soundly.
An adult friend tried it on herself when she had a very deep constant and persistent cough a few weeks ago and it worked 100%! She said that it felt like a warm blanket had enveloped her, coughing stopped in a few minutes and believe me, this was a deep, ( incredibly annoying!) every few seconds uncontrollable cough, and she slept cough-free for hours every night that she used it.
So, if you have kids/grandchildren, pass it on. If you end up sick, try yourself and you will be absolutely amazed.

Double Standard


Did you read the article. Its funny !! I Find it ridiculous. Titled "PROTECTING HOLIDAY-MAKERS" !!

I wonder who is going to protect house buyer and those unscrupulous developer who ran away and declared bankrupt and etc. I have a good friend who's house/apartment was abandoned for more than 6 yrs now and its in USJ.......the suppose good area of the township. The company Sanjung Utama (belong to YCS Bhd - use to be 2nd board listed) went into receivership and was taken over by PWC.
What happen to the owner/director of YCS.......the Yap brothers ? I figure they are enjoying themselves in Bahamas, travelling around the world and sitting on millions of cash ambetzment from 2000++ house buyers and shop buyers. What is the government going to do about it ? I don't hear any counter-measure. The tour group consist of only merely 20+ people at most and the total money absconded by the directors are in thousand only.
However, I like this Donald Lim. He seem to be a capable person who is try his best and not like his political boss Mr.Ong Ka Ting. To me this MCA president had fail miserably in his own ministry. Haven't seen any concrete and significant result from his ministry except those that says getting CF quicker and 1-stop centre for plans approval and etc. Even the build first and sell later haven't really move forward dramatically. It wasn't by law and hence only a few selected top notch developer are using it as a sales and marketing gimmick to woo potential buyers for their high end project.
What pain me most is that these con director are everywhere and boldly operating from state to state all over the country. It only take RM2 capital to open/register a construction company name. Once this company had taken whole lots of million from Malaysian then he moved to another state and goes undetected. Yeah, house buyer can file for police report and etc.....but then he didn't commit any crime. He is only guilty of commercial crime and hence the police will just "close one eye" and let him off. He lays low for a few month to a few yrs in another state and perhaps open another company with another name and use the same modus operandi to cheat other house buyers again. Come to think of it....cheating house buyers are the easiest job of all...................u get millions in return and you can then live off with the ill gotten gains for the rest of his life. Welcome to Malaysian culture.........con, bull and stupidity.



I have found blogging to be most fun and personal but yet at the same time apprehensive about being too open, too personal, too expose and etc. I have notice for some time now that most of the frequent blog I used to visit have now defunct. I guess, people grow up, people are busy, people are working, people life changes…… can't be talking about sex all the time and portrait to the whole world you are macho………..etc….u get the drift.

 The consistent ones are the one who makes some earning out of it (either through advertising, review of product and obtaining fame out of it). No matter where u look at it, fame is something many bloggers are trying to chase……..especially if you are the guys as blogging in the sphere is a chick magnet. Nevertheless, you need to be extra careful cause it's really difficult to know which stories is true, false or a scam, fiction and etc……………you just need to have a sense of reality and don't get too emotional involve and attached to the net.

 I am not sure just how long and far I am going to go with blogging. It need lots of time and effort on my part and with kids tagging along and hanging to me………..time is precious.

I was on a short holiday up the hills recently. Hoping to breathe some fresh air and enjoy the cooling atmosphere. Nevertheless, my trips to the top of the hill resort turn out to be more disappointing that I could imagine. So let me highlight my disappointment.

1. Accommodation was at First World Hotel. As soon as I step into the hotel lobby to check-in I was greeted with a long queue just to get the queue no to check-in. My no. was 17498. A wait of at least more than 200 guests in front of me. Pathetic....never had I encountered so much hassle and time wasting in my life. Time might not be precious to many people but to me it is. I need to have the freedom of time
management and use my time up efficiently. Can you imagine we had to wait for more than 50mins just to check-in? That precious 50mins could have been well spent taking my kids to play a few more round of rides, nap and etc. Interestingly was, as my eye scout through the heap of heads and people across the hotel lobby........I observed so many different things. People just sitting on the floor or chairs staring at the ceiling, sleeping, yawning, eating..........u name it....everything that you could possibly think of. Wasting time and valuable energy and not forgetting money paid to Uncle Lim. Crap system and they should do something about it. FYI, it was on a Sun afternoon and the following day was a working day.

2. As soon as I got into my room. I was utterly disappointed. I knew the rooms there are small and I wasn't expecting much. So I wasn't disappointed at all on that expect. However, what put a sour taste and a bad memory was the view of the window. There was no view at all. All I can see across the window was another room with windows just across each other...............very near....something like a stone throw away. There is no privacy, no fresh air, no cleanliness.............I can see all the dark and filthy stain and dirt across all the building wall, structure and filthy window. Just imagine Shenzhen or Guangdong budget hotels .............those that you see on light district and etc. I kept observing the building structure and trying hard to figure why on earth the architect design such a bad building..............I am sure there are other alternative to squeeze more rooms out of the land size without compromising on the ergonomic, modern, green and customer friendly aspect.........or feeling about the place. There is just no emotion or good memory I have on the place. Its terrible and its so.......china man style......cheapskate, kiasu and kiamsiap. I have no complain if it wasn't with my family but to cut my story short........its not a good place to bring the family with kids. If you are single, couple, teenagers or gambler looking for a budget place to drop dead and wake up in 2 days time...........this is the place for you. Not for me.

3. The hospitality serve by all this rural kid, as sales assistant or waiter/waitress. I have to applaud Uncle Lim for giving so much job and opportunity to all the rural kids in this country. It is good and we should get them off the street and do some good. However, what is needed most is education. The kids working in the resort do need some basic education and customer relationship philosophy drill into them. They are raw and naive and hence some....or most of them are just out from school with form 3 or 5 level education only. The way they treat customer need to be upgraded and mentally wise improve on maturity. I was unfortunate to have encountered one idiotic girl who looks like Jane the Jungle woman. She was the cashier for this "TimPan" booth and my wife had bought 2 bowls which cost RM6/bowl. I went over to ask for an empty styrofoam bowl (so that I can divide and give some to my kids) and she had the nerve to offer me a paper cup and ask me to go away quietly. Pathetic and ridiculous. Just ridiculous. The sad part was I had mellow down. I felt a sense of anger and wanted to confront her and tell her off.............perhaps when I was in my younger days I would had screw her upside down kow kow..................but not now anymore. I am not young anymore, can't be screwing up some idiotic dumb ass and hoping the world would change. It's never going to change. Idiotic dumb arses are bound to be plenty.......everywhere. We are educated then them and hence it's best to be a gentlemen and needless to waste energy and time on them. In addition, I thought if I screw her up nicely, how am I going to explain to my am I gong to be a good example, a role model to look up to?? I can feel I am getting old. I use to be very rebellious and very aggressive but am feeling the mellow side of myself now. Time does really change. My kids are growing up very fast and when I look at them…stared and observing them…………..sigh…..sigh….and chuckle. It just look like me when I was young. Here's a pic of Jane the jungle woman. So beware if you see her cause she's uncultured and horrible.

Some early photos I got from my email list.

Love U


I did something wonderful last week. It feels great to have help or give some sound advice to others. This girl that I had only know for about a month or so..........she was a contract worker attached to my company a few years back then. She is so ........not sure how to put this but weird, extremely friendly and above all bold. I mean I don't know her that well but she kept asking me for my no. and then this and that. I find it weird for a girl extremely friendly. She is not sensitive to my signals or hint that I was trying to let her know......"stay away". Anyway, I forgive her for that cause I felt perhaps this little hapless girl just wanted to chat with someone and she doesn't have many friends.

Initially the beginning she stashed some apples, bottle drinks and etc on my table. She call me on my hp while she is sitting 10 feet away from me. She email me while she was right in front of me. I find all this a little weird and amusing. I kind of feel old. Perhaps I use to do that to others......maybe.......while I was a teenager........what do you called it....crush. Nevertheless, never had I experience a girl so bold and extremely friendly. Well, I did experience some crushes while I was in high school...........many girls use to give me lots of gift and etc. But.......usually I advice those girl to concentrate on their studies cause back then I wasn't interested in anyone younger. I always had a nook for older woman. Yeah.....called it fetish or whatever but I like matured woman more than young and naive girls.

Back to the story. Finally after a few email exchanges she abruptly blur out that she had some problem with her bf and he is always blaming her this and that and ....bla bla bla........u get the drift. I knew she had a bf......and heard that she practically sponsor her bf a car to drive around. However, I sense and observed that this girl .....Ms.J.....hmmm........isn't too happy with her bf then. Now its been more than 4 yrs and she is still with the bloke.......and yet she told me she's under stress and emotionally strain. I sense too that this Ms.J isn't very well educated and from a very complex family kind of background. Back then I kept telling her to finish and further her education so that she could lead a better life. After all this yrs she still not furthering her education and I am kind of disappointed. At this age and point of time most people nowadays have a decent degree and finishes with at least a diploma or degree. Its not the paper that counts but a stage where your are certify to have graduated mentally and emotionally. You grow and age with maturity.

I told her I'm not the right person she should be listening to cause I don't know her well enough nor do I want to be involve in an imminent break-up scenario. I think that was the best possible answer that I felt could portray my neutral stand. In addition, I told her my past and present story in a brief summary........on my relationship with my ex. The moral of the story is past is good but future is even better. If there was no past history there will not be a future. I am really grateful that I broke up with my ex and from there I found the love of my wifey. Never had I regret nor look back to the past. I just love my wife and I don't think I would be in my present state (financially and emotionally) had I still hung on to my ex. My wifey "Just Complete Me" her and always will.

HP All-In-One


My trip to Melaka. Had a very hectic week. The whole week was like a bulldozer trying to ram through everything. Life just fly by like a film in front of my eyes. Started with my kid going to classes, cleaning the house on weekend, filling up income taxes and etc and trying to make my HP all in one PSC1315 work.......yet it still doesn't work. Spend the whole Sat trying to troubleshoot by installing the driver and software and then uninstall again.....yet can't see HP Director popping up. It doesn't appear at all. First I thought it was IE7 that was preventing HP Director but then on there seem to be a patch/counter-measure for this bug. So it seem but when I try to run the patch, it says that I do not need any update and my version of driver and software are latest.....hence ok. Nevertheless, the driver and software I had use was downloaded from their support site and hence my check with an earlier version that I have (Ver 4.2) was exactly the same. Therefore, I don't think Ver 4.2 had the patch yet but then its really weird. All this are not making any sense.
After I reluctantly uninstall IE7 the problem still persist even though I had uninstall and reinstall the driver and software numerous time. I was fed up and tired of it already. Why can't HP as a conglomerate make something much more simpler and easier for a dummy like me to use. Just give us 1 single software or driver and everything could be done automatically. Why the need to have a separate uninstall program, then the driver with the network and also without support ?
I have done this fact a few months back when I was using HP Officejet 5510 and it was prevented by IE7 from working properly. I wrote an email to HP and their support staff gave me a fact
1. Uninstall or downgrade IE7 to IE6.
2. Install a different driver with Ver 5.3b from another HP all in one PSC 1400......something along that line.
It works for me and I thought ok I got the hang of it.
Fast forward a few month and they have not gotten the problem totally solve. If they have the solution they should have built the patch right into the driver and software itself so that HP customer all over the world will not be so inconvenient as to need to do this and that and etc............pathetic. Such a big MNC.......running billion and billion of business and yet these kind of easy common sense CRM also don't have. It just show that as the company grows bigger and bigger they tend to lose their touch. The managers are obliviously not very pro active and initiative.
Finally I just give up. Not going to buy or recommend HP printer to another friend or acquittance that ask me my opinion. Think everybody will be surprise cause HP is world market leader but then hopefully Canon is catching up fast. I have confident Japanese product are better but then their software also sucks big time.

I visited Malacca Zoo during the weekend. Its was my 2 visit. The place had changed for the better. They re-do some portion of the Zoo. Now there is a nice home for the tigers, panther and leopard. I like the fact the new cages looks so modern, clean and authentic. In fact it doesn't look like cages anymore. Perhaps it was the cleanliness that was particularly interesting and captivating. The entrance fee was RM 7 for adult and RM 4 for kids. For me it was money well worth and hence I am surprise that a mini Zoo in a small state like Malacca can be so well organised and managed. It is even better than National Zoo. For National Zoo, adult are charge RM 10 and there isn't much to see. I was really disappointed with our National Zoo. It is in a pathetic and deplorable state of condition for many of the animals. Its looks so dark, filthy and run down.
I just feel that National Zoo need to shift to another bigger and better location to rebuilt its image and its reputation. I was happy to hear previously a plan to shift the entire site to P.Indah. I felt it was more appropriate a Zoo should have no space restriction to expand and also plenty of virgin jungle forest as the background. I have been to London Safari Zoo when I was a kid and till today I still have fond memory of it. I can't say the same with Malaysia National Zoo. There's no personal involvement from the Zoo management itself. I felt they lack dedication or possibly the budget to keep it running in tip-top condition. What it need is a clean sheet start and a change of management. It needs dedicated people, innovative and creative to do some marketing, promotion and managing the daily operation. They need to run the Zoo like a business entity to make it profitable.

LCD Monitor


Last week my dad bought a new LCD monitor for his computer. He had been using a 17" Samsung SyncMaster CRT which I had bought way back in 2001 for RM 1000. I wanted to get him a new LCD monitor for his coming B'day but he rejected and hence told me he prefer to get it himself. Therefore reluctantly I have to figure out what else to get him. The LCD monitor was very important for him since he is surfing the net regularly and also for his business purposes.
The old CRT was working alright and it wasn't breaking down at all. However, it's huge, bulky and its a CRT (which means it emit radiation and etc) and hence not very suitable for long term usage........something like more than 6hrs of viewing every day. A LCD advantage is that it is space friendly, ergonomic, low energy consumption and above all no emission of radiation. The new LCD is also a Samsung. Its a 971P model with a 19" size and can be rotated 180 and adjusted its height and length. It is real nice, clean and with a sleek finish like a Mac monitor. I just love the look of it. Pure white and smooth edges. Check out the spec over here.

However, the main story here is not the monitor but how my dad was "con" into buying something more expensive by an acquaintance. He went down to Low Yat (as usual the best place to get computer accessories) and was planning to get a Samsung LCD in the range of RM 6xx. As he was about to pay and take the LCD monitor home, then pop-up the boss of the shop. Co-incidentally this boss is the dealer for Samsung products and knew my dad from the days he was working for SD. From then onwards he bull and "con" my dad to get a better and top of the range monitor. Needless to say my dad was poorer by RM 999 at the end of the day.
Therefore the moral of the story is old people ......or all people tend to get "con" easily if being push or coax by someone he/she knew. Why ? Because everybody tend to have a face value and when that salesman try to pull your leg and if you don't take the bait you feel a little bit shy. You lose face and in the process the superiority and egotism that you have. Pride it whatever you want but fact remain that face saving is top priority and budget comes second. Therefore lots of people are willing to part with more money than they can chew if only a good salesmen know the "Art Of Persuasion".

random Thoughts 2


I am very frustrated. I am lost for words. I am sad and I am very depressed. I don't know why and how it had escalated to such a tirade of shouting and shouting. It was just a matter of confirming who is who had gone to my kid classes. That's all.........nothing more. Yeah I had no recollection of the other family going to the classes last week. So just because of this, she got frustrated and went into destruction mode ......launching a tirade of shouting matches and imitating a crazy woman antics. I just can't understand why she has to do that. It is so irritating so unwomanly.........and so scary. She neither care for the kids nor care how the kids would see and hear all this. Its like she has lost all sense and control of herself. I am really at a lost. How can a sane person do this kind of thing. I am really worry. She has been demonstrating this unstable condition for the 2nd time now and every time it is worst than the first.
I try to look for the fault of my own. Well, I am well conscious and my conscience tell me she was already piss off with me the moment she came home. She had gone to have her hair trim and came back 15 min past 7. I was home and helping my dad settle his computer. I was trying to scan his computer for viruses, fixed some bug and make his computer work faster. If I don't help him who else is going to help him. I didn't do anything wrong. I was just trying to do something I felt important and hence thought boiling and kids bottle was just secondary and wasn't that important. Nevertheless, she came home with her face red and temp rose subsequently cause we need to send the elder one to classes at 8 pm. We eat then she bath the kids and etc........just in the nick of time. Its was hectic and chaos. So is it my fault ?
I already gave my opinion a few month back to get a maid in order to enlighten our job load at home and hence she didn't want to listen. She didn't want to take the risk, didn't want to take care of the maid, didn't want to worry about the maid and issues that she might causes. So there you have it. She never listen to me and she just doesn't appreciate me. She has no common sense, no human skill intelligence and stubborn. I can clearly see that all my kids have to same trait as her.........stubbornness. Never want to listen to me or anyone no matter what you said or promises. You just have to do it his/her way and if not they will just cry, go ballistic and burst into hysteria. Same common trait exhibited by their mother. I just don't know why she can't see herself in the mirror and realise the kids are a total replica of her ?
Yeah, I am a sensitive guy and I have my pride and I have my opinion. Nevertheless, I also have common sense. I felt I was a bit harsh and if only I could swallow the whole episode and spit it out later then maybe the whole commotion would not have happen and escalated into full-scale war. I am disappointed and a bit sad that my kid saw me arguing with her. I lost it and couldn't help it and had to shout back cause she had totally lost her mind and beginning to go hysteria and kept shouting that I don't trust was going on and on and on. I totally lost it too. My fault. I am worry how all this are going to reflect on my kids in the long term. Their emotional quality and character and etc. I hope they will forget about this and move on and not haunt them when they grow up later in life. I am really disappointed. There is no words to describe my disappointment that the woman that I love had lost the plot and gone insane. I worry she might have some nerve problem and some wired in her brain got entangled........hence.............just look at those problematic family cases......those that go suicidal with the children and etc...............I am beginning to understand more and realise their situation. Its just doesn't make sense. Only recently there was a financial manager who went suicidal with his kid and everything seem so rosy and cosy from a different angle. I make some observation on that case but couldn't pinpoint why on earth a sound and sane man would do such a thing to his own family. Now I know..........some people cannot take lots of pressure and when that pressure rises above the red line and the wired get entangled they go hysteria and become suicidal. After and above the red line, no matter what cock, sense and reasoning you try to put forward ..................its all futile. It just got short circuited.
Hopefully time can heal, calm the storm and undo the entangle wired. I pray and hope that she can really think and have some senses back. Wish god can help her to gain her common sense back and improve her well being......especially her IQ and EQ.

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