Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

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I haven't been to any movies for ages. Its not that I don't like movies but its just different now. When you are young, all you do during a relationship is to go for movie, dinner and ...........ahem......what young kid with high testtherone hormone do. As time catches up on me, as time move faster than light, finding the right time to slot in between my busy schedule and juggling everything is difficult. Finding the time to queue up with hundreds and hundreds of kid trying to buy a movie ticket is a bit of luxury. It is just a waste of time and also a waster of energy to queue for a show. I find it ridiculous now. The point is you could spend the time better off doing something productive and valuable than staring at the wall, ceiling or young kids who don't have any manners at all.
I just hate to queue. Didn't queue a lot when I was younger cause back then not many people know how to use the computer to book online. Neither many of them know how to use sms or phone to make reservation and etc. After many years and evolution, all the young generation now knows about online booking and the culture of 'kiasuism'. You should go and observe the situation when there is a new movie being release. The queue and the crowds are just terrible. You could have mistaken yourself being in a pasar malam or in the wet market. Everybody is sweating profusely and you could smell the bad breath of the fellow in from of you. Cramping like sardines and some pathetic kid trying to jump queue and etc.
There is just no way to escape the queue even if you had waited for the hot movie to die down. Usually the first 2 weeks of a newly release movie will be hot cake. All the teenagers and young adult will be flocking to the cinema for it. Therefore after the 2nd week, I thought the popularity would had died down but damn....was I wrong. I try booking the movie online and try different time and places for the selected show but every time the same message came out ....." fully booked". Disappointed and frustrated. Why can't all our local cinema operator improve and improvise on the online booking system. A lot can still be done to make it all work faster, easier and accurately without compromising on cost. The existing system now is very outdated and doesn't seem to be working well at peak times.

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