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What seem White Might be Black !!!

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Got to talk something about work today. I am not sure whether I am too clever or other people are getting more stupid. Recently when I was in a meeting with my boss and another vendor supplier, I had accidentally hear from the supplier that what used to be a cost down design had in fact turn out to be much more expensive.

Therefore the question that ran into my mind immediately was who's smart idea was it in the first place ? It was actually bravo Mr.Shorty..............the smart jack ass. Finally after many years some external party is telling us straight into our own face that what you are actually doing is a failure and a con job. I just give him a smirk look. How on earth did he manage to convince fool everybody to change into a design in the so called name of "costing down". Are those Japanese are so stupid or just didn't care at all ? By far and right, what I know about Japanese is that they are very diligent, smart and careful people. That was what my ex-bosses use to be. After many years of evolution, seem that the new Japanese that arrived and taking over are shrinking in brain size.

Obviously, there is no transparency, check and balances in the system at all. The whole system are a fraud and being manipulated by my bosses. Its like they have this mentality of......who care's............its company money and etc. However, they are very clever to portray and put on a different image of themselves with the right perspective in front of important bosses. However, if you are in the middle of the chain and understand the grassroots, you will know that most of the bosses are just another typical con man in the street. Only difference is they may dress much more smartly either with a tie or a sleek confidence look.

Luckily the Jap system are not so competitive and aggressive as Western company. Else many things would had change and jump out of the closet. By right, they should be some kind of internal or external auditing done for each dept to find out the effectiveness of individual system and practices. Perhaps if they do this then all the best practices could then be use as a benchmark for the rest of the company as a shining example. Is this too difficult ? Come to think of it, why does finance dept have yearly auditing while other dept aren't required ? Just because finance are dealing with money doesn't mean other dept aren't important and have no gap for malpractices to happen.

Right in front of my eyes malpractices and nepotism are happening daily. Let me list of the examples here

1. We have ISM (Information Security Management) policy stipulating the policy and method for the control and procurement of computers and notebook. However, my bosses never follow them and always try to bypass this policy and system blatantly. His modus operandi usually is to buy some testing equipment and at the same time ask the supplier to include the notebooks price into the quotation but not written on the invoice. Hence, there is no record or traceability for the company side. No fixed asset bar code and hence no restriction and compliance to company wide policy.

2. Receiving kick back from supplier in the form of monetary, gifts and expensive dinner. The Jap are aware of this and are usually in cohort with their immediate subordinate. They are not so open and obvious and usually indirectly operate through a middle man to handle all the dealing and wealing. In this case the local immediate subordinate. Once I even got to know about this supplier giving out a very expensive hamper to one of my bosses. We are in no position to do anything about it. It is the Jap own doing and they are encouraging it likewise. Else how can you explain my boss who is a "good for nothing" (stupid to put it rudely.....not on purpose but the truth) can rise to become a manager when he doesn't know how to manage at all. I will come to explain on this later.

3. Blatant mis-management and treating the whole company as his own coffee shop company. By right, I am working in a world renown company in the world. The top 3 Jap MNC's in the world. Tell me is this world renowned when Mr.Shorty or my boss can decide on his own whim and fancy to put not 3 or 4 company product in his own house. My god, if you really keep track of his wrongdoing record then you will know that he is putting each product even in his toilet. There is no system and they are doing some underground dealing in cohort with some top management to take this product home in the name of "field test". Nobody is highlighting this because everybody have a high tolerance level and in addition they are doing all this under hush hush condition. Unannounced and nobody knows about it unless the right people. My god, don't be surprise if they tell you that they have lose the record..........if there is one in the first place.

4. Openly tolerating some subordinate breaking of basic company rules. There's this engineer who is always in his good books because he knows where to rub him to make him happy. However, this engineer is always clocking horribly enormous over time. Obscene in my own standard. I don't care if you rot in office after working hours just to wait for the clock to tick away but then asking collaborator to assist him in slotting out is taking the situation too far off. The boss is aware of it but taking and choosing a blind eye over it.

5. There's this technician who assist my boss in his testing. On many occasion he tells me that some of the items he tested had fail and therefore he gave the result to my boss. However, after this initial test, there are no re-testing or evaluation of the same item again being done by this technician. What surprised him most was the fact that the item is now officially approved. So how can a fail item become an approved item without any further testing. I still remember the Mitsubishi Motor saga where some engineers falsifying test reports and data just to passed it off. Is this just a replicate or a copy cat of the same pattern happening with all Jap MNC's ? You judge yourself but I know what is truly happening and I believe its all a culture thing. A copy cat culture but with little bit of standard.

6. I was talking with wifey about her company HR manager. She handles everything in the office and hence knows many supplier. Hence, every year on her birthday, some supplier would present her a cake, a greeting card and etc. She shares it all with everyone of them and would open up her hamper for everyone to share. I seldom hear of this happening in my workplace. Everything is kept hush hush behind or underneath some rock. All the top management at the top are practicing it but are afraid to let anybody know about it. The people here have inferiority complex. I can see all this from their Chinese educated background. Everybody here have some kind of snake under the hat. Afraid of each other and worry someone would pull a lion instead of a snake from the hat.

7. This Shorty unknowing to many people are very cunning and slimy. With his own influence and con skill he manages to switch from a random or unknown customer to his own brother as the beneficiary of field testing customer. Hence, all of us were stun and surprised. What kind of low down scum would do this kind of thing. There is no system, no rules, no fairness, no transparency and no auditing. Its kind of like no man land. You can actually do whatever you like and pretend to be toeing the line.

8. Going out of company premises as frequently as you like and without anybody knowing about it. By the book, we all have to get a gate pass to be able to leave the premises. However, some have use the hand sign and just wave at the security guard or drive a imported car brand and hence everything is fine. Some like my bosses, signed his own gate passes and go out of company premises without anybody knowing. Isn't all this mis-management and mis-use of power and authority ? To add salt to wound the top management are actually closing one eye on it !!!

This complain letter is getting out of hand and too long already. To sum it all up, there are just too many short coming and mis-appropriation, mis-use of power and mis-management going on in what seem to be an ideal and perfect world. Ideas for life ??

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