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Religous Fanatic - Living Under The Coconut

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Its an irony to note the state of our country. Lately I had been reading some personal blog on the issue of politics and I find the malay blog to be very disturbing. After reading some of the article written by this blog, I can't help but feeling pity, scare and at the same time piss off. What kind of people are these who stomp on liberal thinking, logic, common sense and scientific evidence to place it solely on religion and god only. I don't mean to offend any religion but common sense tell me I should respect other people religion and rights. Therefore to stomp and talk bad about liberal people is a sign that the fellow does not respect others at all but him/herself only. What kind of idiot is this. I hope not that he/her is a university grad from a foreign reputable overseas establishment. Else I would be very disappointed to know that the fact and asking why on earth these so called highly intellectual can be so narrow minded and stubborn. He/her only think Islam is everything and everything can be explain by giving the remark "Its God way". Just look and observed in the paper, your strong muslim friends and etc. Ms.Siti who is marrying Datuk K soon also said the same thing. Its all god way.
If you ask me whether we need to be religious, well I believe we should have a strong religion mind more so for emotional support. When people are down, lose faith, stress, psycho and etc........that's when your EQ is the most vulnerable. Having faith and strong attachment to religion during these times can help alleviate and create miracle for the positive. Religion is a positive Yang. So therefore balancing the Ying and Yang is very important. The author of the blog just brush aside liberal as if its just another disease, a pandemic and does not realise that in a plural society there's really no pure genes. Mutation are bound to happen and it is imperative that liberal shall be given the freedom of expression and space to grow as well as nurture. Not all liberal action are negative. Of course the author highlighted the example of kissing/hugging and the show of affection in public is wrong and etc. But why can't he/she show some respect and except what others perceive to be normal. Definitely I do not agree with shagging in public and etc. However, can he/her tell me is it only liberal that are shagging in public ? If he/she want evidence of muslim shagging in public I am more than willing to provide. So therefore the issue here is not whether one is liberal or not but education (which mold the mentality) and also enviroment (the economic and social condition ).
With due respect with our present G on the helm, we are going all the way downhill on the above criteria. And my friend .............................thats the mother of all reason.

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