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Life and Dead

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Lately I had been having 2nd thought on life. I had been hearing cases of friends acquaintance, colleague parents and others of their love ones passing away. Hmmm....not sure whether its coincidence with the Ghost Festival that had started from 25th Jul till somewhere in Sept or merely fate but its scary. So scary that I had been giving deeper though on matters close to my heart especially my family and my parents. Life is so fragile. You can just drop dead and the next day your name, your record and etc can suddenly disappear from the face of earth. No trace, all record vanish.
Of all the cases, mostly are related to heart attack and their ages range from late 30's to 50's. I think heart attack dead are increasing in Malaysia. Most probably lifestyle, food and stress related. Hopefully this trend would stop here and we see life expectancy improving as mention in those medical journal and foreign research survey. Personally I don't see many new generation of age adults living past 70's unless its those migrant generation from India or China during the early 1930's.

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