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Human and Extremist

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I had wanted to talk about this for quite awhile but had no time to write it out or procrastinate. A few week back I read in the news that the Muslim insurgent in Southern Thailand went to a school and kill the Buddhist teacher who was in the mist of teaching a whole bunch of kids. I cannot imagine why on earth these people are so cruel and disgusting. Is it Muslim only or just another one of those co-incidence.
I might be privilege to write this and that cause you can say we are lucky to have a comfortable life and blah blah blah....but do we still have to kill someone who is innocent to make a statement ? Wouldn't this be a NOT so good example and hence for others so called extremist/terrorist/fanatics to follow suit. Come on..........I feel there are some things in this world that is sacred and no matter what happens we cannot touch nor talk about it. I feel this is one of those sacred things. Life is sacred and we cannot make it look cheap. Although I know when there is war, nothing is sacred. However, how on earth do this people sleep after killing an innocent teacher. Don't they have a brain and use it to think and etc ? Or they leave the thinking to others and they just follow instruction.
These insurgent should just talk it out, find a good mediator and iron all issue properly and through the right channel. Letting go of anger inside them on others are not the solution. Its just like your kids. Though we are all not angels we try our best to educate and give the best to our kids. Therefore we try to explain to them, talk with them and try not to go too emotional and cane them when we are over the top. Let's face it if we all adults and human treat each other as our own kids I think there will be no war nor conflict in this world. But we can't because we are human and make mistake and sometimes those mistake are too great to pardon.

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