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Merdeka 2006 - A Proud Day

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Lately had been hearing lots of Merdeka related post and all those patriotic stuff. The best and the most direct and frank of it all is from Otto. I share with her opinion 100%. You had nicely put those words together and I have to give it to her for her wonderful English and talent. I wish I had that.

Let me repeat again some of her contention with some added grouses.

1. Article 11 issue.
2. Lina Joy matter.
3. Munusamy and his widow.
4. Sacking of Lord and High Court judges.
5. Blatant defying of PM directive on IPCMC issue.
6. Nude squat in police lock-up.
7. Gun totting police officer who are the law and judges in old klang road.
8. Police abuse while interrogating suspect in lock-up.
9. Pantai and Parkway entity and national security - a mockery.
10. ECM Libra take over of Avenue Capital and free lift for young arrogant SIL of PM.
11. Blatant disrespect, uncultured and uneducated Oxford SIL graduate who uses racial and slut language to gain popularity.
12. Disrespectful to an old man who is the Father of modern Malaysia. For goodness sake, no matter how much u dislike him I was raise to respect elders and not to quarrel with old man who is way pass 85.
13. Crime, snatch thief and rape cases rampant and increasing tremendously but no concrete solution from government.
14. UPM fiasco where gangsterism rule and minority suppress. Blatant and stupidity of minister very apparent.
15. Not one university in Mal are rank in the top 500 or 100 of Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Times of London Higher Education Survey.
16. Oblivious that 9MP are only going to politician or selected group and hence the rich get richer while the rest of the country rot.
17. Inflation and economy not doing so well but Fidah ask FDI to go screw yourself or invest in other place cause we don't need you.
18. I reserve this space for further comment after this Fri where the new '07 Budget will be announce.

I just got to stop at 18, else the list would go on forever.

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