Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))

Merdeka 2006 - A Proud Day


Lately had been hearing lots of Merdeka related post and all those patriotic stuff. The best and the most direct and frank of it all is from Otto. I share with her opinion 100%. You had nicely put those words together and I have to give it to her for her wonderful English and talent. I wish I had that.

Let me repeat again some of her contention with some added grouses.

1. Article 11 issue.
2. Lina Joy matter.
3. Munusamy and his widow.
4. Sacking of Lord and High Court judges.
5. Blatant defying of PM directive on IPCMC issue.
6. Nude squat in police lock-up.
7. Gun totting police officer who are the law and judges in old klang road.
8. Police abuse while interrogating suspect in lock-up.
9. Pantai and Parkway entity and national security - a mockery.
10. ECM Libra take over of Avenue Capital and free lift for young arrogant SIL of PM.
11. Blatant disrespect, uncultured and uneducated Oxford SIL graduate who uses racial and slut language to gain popularity.
12. Disrespectful to an old man who is the Father of modern Malaysia. For goodness sake, no matter how much u dislike him I was raise to respect elders and not to quarrel with old man who is way pass 85.
13. Crime, snatch thief and rape cases rampant and increasing tremendously but no concrete solution from government.
14. UPM fiasco where gangsterism rule and minority suppress. Blatant and stupidity of minister very apparent.
15. Not one university in Mal are rank in the top 500 or 100 of Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Times of London Higher Education Survey.
16. Oblivious that 9MP are only going to politician or selected group and hence the rich get richer while the rest of the country rot.
17. Inflation and economy not doing so well but Fidah ask FDI to go screw yourself or invest in other place cause we don't need you.
18. I reserve this space for further comment after this Fri where the new '07 Budget will be announce.

I just got to stop at 18, else the list would go on forever.


2006 KL Tower Base Jumping

Living Nature Product


Trying out my hand on scanning a brochure I got from "The Curve". Quality is not so good.

What is Teacher !!


Today had a heated debate and row with one of my friend. Let's call him Ah Lian. Ah Lian was replacing his friend as a substitute tuition class teacher yesterday and I was told his classes has 11 student. All student are from Form 4 to 5 and the subject taught was Physics. This morning when he came in I was teasing him and ask him to give us a treat as he is now loaded cause has lots of extra income from giving tuition. Then he told us that he is giving up and that he was piss by his classes and all of them don't want to learn or was trying to be truant.
I shoot at him straight and bark him off the wall. How can he say some irresponsible stuff like that. If he want to teach then he should be prepare for the hard work as well as responsibility that come attached with it. You don't just give tuition and teach for the sake of teaching and that's it. It is more to teaching than meets the eye. It takes lots of patience, creativity, energy and knowledge to really be a good teacher. Obviously this young man Mr...Ah Lian doesn't have what it takes to be a teacher and he begs to differ. Kept telling us that he try his best but its up to the kids to want to learn or not. Its not his fault and therefore has no responsibility what so ever to educate them more than just giving homework.
I think the above conversation is a typical scenario with regard to our current Malaysian teachers state of affair is going through. I have facts and data + observation with regard to this issue. I have lost count of the actual no. of teachers spouses,relatives and friends that I directly know. Not 1 I feel are dedicated to being a life long teacher profession. All of them just want to be a teacher because its the easiest route compare to working, plenty of vacancy, relax and plenty of free time to earn extra income. Yeah you heard it right. Teacher are only working half the day and if you are the low profile or inactive one then you can actually give tuition classes in the afternoon and also thru the night. That will bloat his/her bank account $$$$$ many many times. One of my relatives who is studying in UPM in science and also teaching .....something like double degree few years ago told me she opt for this just in case she couldn't find a job. Just like doc, a teaching job is virtually guaranteed.
For those with family, teacher can baby-sit their own kids and save them the cost of sending to nursery or kindergarten. There are plenty of benefit and advantages that make teacher the best choice to be a wife. Hence, thus far I have not heard of 1 female teacher of being single and unattached. However, I don't know why guys still like teachers. I don't think they are attractive. The female teacher only know how to say "Dengar Kelas", ............."Duduk, Bangun, Berdiri......." you get the idea. As for the looks I give them 1 out of 5 cause they are just ordinary and some plain unattractive at all. Yet being a teacher still sell like hot cakes.
I still remember my worst experience of my whole life with a teacher. Her name was Mrs..Hoo who taught us biology. She was my class teacher. She was like a robot. Not dedicated to being a teacher at all. All she does is copy and paste from our text book to the board everyday on the subject being taught. Her most nasty phrase which deserve to be on the Pulitzer is "Don't ever be a teacher. Its a boring job, no future and blah blah.....etc" . F^#$%& coming out from a teacher of 10yrs or more. What would you feel if you were me ?? Worst still was I got a lousy testimonial from her compare with my other nerd friends. I went to see her after I gotten my STPM result and etc hoping she can give a reason. None what so ever. In fact another one of my class teacher Mrs...Chew (Chemistry) was kind enough to offer me some consolation but she felt the same as I do. However, she cannot reprimand/advice the other teacher which is her colleague though she know she is wrong. Politics la.......Was damn bloody piss off then. Kept swearing at her and am still doing it till today. Hope she will rot in HELL. That episode has scarred me for life. I was just the typical average Joe student and I didn't offend her nor try to show off like some of my nerd friends. I at least deserved an average mark and mentioning but if I am not mistaken she had put the remark "NOT SOCIAL ABLE" and some other negative remark which didn't make sense. I had been studying in that school for 1.5 yrs only and she didn't even know me well enough to make such rude comment. After all its was the end of schooling days and why can't she be a little nice and logic and at least give an average mark. I had never step on her shoes nor jack her up. I really hope one day I get to meet her on the street so that I could screw her up nicely. I wouldn't give her any face but my big fat ass.
Back to the main point. I guess being a teacher now compare to olden days are a rift apart. Those days in Kampung, teachers are dedicated to being noble, dedicated and not driven by monetary and materialistic mentality. Yes there have to make a living but making demand of this and that was virtually unheard of then. Now, if I'm not mistaken they want a golden handshake, long maternity leave, annual leave and etc but yet their working schedule are follow to school semester break. In fact they have more break and holiday then any other profession.

Its an irony to note the state of our country. Lately I had been reading some personal blog on the issue of politics and I find the malay blog to be very disturbing. After reading some of the article written by this blog, I can't help but feeling pity, scare and at the same time piss off. What kind of people are these who stomp on liberal thinking, logic, common sense and scientific evidence to place it solely on religion and god only. I don't mean to offend any religion but common sense tell me I should respect other people religion and rights. Therefore to stomp and talk bad about liberal people is a sign that the fellow does not respect others at all but him/herself only. What kind of idiot is this. I hope not that he/her is a university grad from a foreign reputable overseas establishment. Else I would be very disappointed to know that the fact and asking why on earth these so called highly intellectual can be so narrow minded and stubborn. He/her only think Islam is everything and everything can be explain by giving the remark "Its God way". Just look and observed in the paper, your strong muslim friends and etc. Ms.Siti who is marrying Datuk K soon also said the same thing. Its all god way.
If you ask me whether we need to be religious, well I believe we should have a strong religion mind more so for emotional support. When people are down, lose faith, stress, psycho and etc........that's when your EQ is the most vulnerable. Having faith and strong attachment to religion during these times can help alleviate and create miracle for the positive. Religion is a positive Yang. So therefore balancing the Ying and Yang is very important. The author of the blog just brush aside liberal as if its just another disease, a pandemic and does not realise that in a plural society there's really no pure genes. Mutation are bound to happen and it is imperative that liberal shall be given the freedom of expression and space to grow as well as nurture. Not all liberal action are negative. Of course the author highlighted the example of kissing/hugging and the show of affection in public is wrong and etc. But why can't he/she show some respect and except what others perceive to be normal. Definitely I do not agree with shagging in public and etc. However, can he/her tell me is it only liberal that are shagging in public ? If he/she want evidence of muslim shagging in public I am more than willing to provide. So therefore the issue here is not whether one is liberal or not but education (which mold the mentality) and also enviroment (the economic and social condition ).
With due respect with our present G on the helm, we are going all the way downhill on the above criteria. And my friend .............................thats the mother of all reason.

Life and Dead


Lately I had been having 2nd thought on life. I had been hearing cases of friends acquaintance, colleague parents and others of their love ones passing away. Hmmm....not sure whether its coincidence with the Ghost Festival that had started from 25th Jul till somewhere in Sept or merely fate but its scary. So scary that I had been giving deeper though on matters close to my heart especially my family and my parents. Life is so fragile. You can just drop dead and the next day your name, your record and etc can suddenly disappear from the face of earth. No trace, all record vanish.
Of all the cases, mostly are related to heart attack and their ages range from late 30's to 50's. I think heart attack dead are increasing in Malaysia. Most probably lifestyle, food and stress related. Hopefully this trend would stop here and we see life expectancy improving as mention in those medical journal and foreign research survey. Personally I don't see many new generation of age adults living past 70's unless its those migrant generation from India or China during the early 1930's.

Human and Extremist


I had wanted to talk about this for quite awhile but had no time to write it out or procrastinate. A few week back I read in the news that the Muslim insurgent in Southern Thailand went to a school and kill the Buddhist teacher who was in the mist of teaching a whole bunch of kids. I cannot imagine why on earth these people are so cruel and disgusting. Is it Muslim only or just another one of those co-incidence.
I might be privilege to write this and that cause you can say we are lucky to have a comfortable life and blah blah blah....but do we still have to kill someone who is innocent to make a statement ? Wouldn't this be a NOT so good example and hence for others so called extremist/terrorist/fanatics to follow suit. Come on..........I feel there are some things in this world that is sacred and no matter what happens we cannot touch nor talk about it. I feel this is one of those sacred things. Life is sacred and we cannot make it look cheap. Although I know when there is war, nothing is sacred. However, how on earth do this people sleep after killing an innocent teacher. Don't they have a brain and use it to think and etc ? Or they leave the thinking to others and they just follow instruction.
These insurgent should just talk it out, find a good mediator and iron all issue properly and through the right channel. Letting go of anger inside them on others are not the solution. Its just like your kids. Though we are all not angels we try our best to educate and give the best to our kids. Therefore we try to explain to them, talk with them and try not to go too emotional and cane them when we are over the top. Let's face it if we all adults and human treat each other as our own kids I think there will be no war nor conflict in this world. But we can't because we are human and make mistake and sometimes those mistake are too great to pardon.

Deja Vu


Had anybody ever wonder you are re-living yesterday life or something like that. Not once but a few times already I felt. No.....its not too much matrix thingy or drinking too much booze or hallucination pill. I had felt as if I had done that particular scene or dream about it....something like that. Its real funny . Just like rewinding the VHS and you could see yourself acting/repeating the same movement in your daily life. Perhaps I'm going bonka ........or something like that. We'll see........

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