Ex - Kindergarten Gathering
Published Monday, October 06, 2008 by SaiRay | E-mail this post

I had a long and tiring holiday last week. Long cause I was off work for a week. Tiring cause I was trying to be a construction worker laying bricks to build a half-wall. The job look simple enough but by the time I had managed to mixed all the sand, cement and water.......the sky started to turn black. I was very sure that it would be a sunny day when I "predict" the weather in the morning. Needless to say, all hell broke lose. Finally after 2 days of sun bathing and injuring my back and spraining some muscle, I finally got the half wall up. I will tell more on this later.......the history why I am building a half wall. Its a long stories.
In the middle of the week, wifey held a small gathering. I am sure many people have gathering, reunion or whatever you call it. However, wifey was organising a gathering for her ex-kindergarten friends. Can you believe that. In this ages and time, how many of you have friends dating back to kindergarten ? I am not surprised if its gathering for lower and high school friends or uni/alumni but kindergarten..........man its like Jurassic. The fact is I respect all her friends. They are all very genuine and honest people. Very down to earth and are very very nice. Actually I really envy wifey.
I know some of her friends way back when I was in high school. So I wasn't totally stranger and throughout many years we have all been very close like traveling around Malaysia, meeting up each other for a cup of coffee or to thrash relationship matter out. So we are all very matured and open about everything. That's what I like about them. We don't talk about sex just for the sake of 'sex' .................I don't know how to put it but we are men not kids.
For example, a friend of ours are still trying to conceive and thus she is very frustrated and had resorted to seeing Chinese medical practitioner. Nevertheless, I felt she was totally all stress up with work and all. Perhaps there isn't any spark or fire in their relationship. Some are very platonic and thus sex for them are solely for procreation purposes only. I hope she manages to conceive. Anyway even the medical practitioner advices her to quit her job as well as the husband. I gave a thought .....................is it worth it all to make a 5 figure pay with all the mental and physical stress ? Is it really worth it ? She was working in a very high position and was considered 3rd in line of command of her ex-company.
Anyway, I hope everybody had a great time cause I had a great time. Though a short gathering, its good to see old friends. To know everybody is doing well and happy. 30++ yrs of friendship and I am glad wifey had such fantastic friends. I am glad I am apart of it all.
Friendship isn't easy to built and it ain't easy to maintain. Takes a lot of knocking, patience and openness to reach 10, 20 and 50 yrs. I hope I have friends like these.
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