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A Forgettable Wedding Dinner

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I attended my cousin wedding last weekend in Malacca. It was the worst wedding dinner in my entire life. Not only the food was bad, there was no programme nor any entertainment in what I feel is a 3 star hotel. Since food was halal and my cousin have invited some Datuk and Datin as mention, I didn't have high hopes on the food but at least a minimum expectation. To my horror it was worst that the worst in KL.
Before I go further I perhaps have to talk a bit about my cousin so that you know why I say its a "Forgettable Wedding Dinner". A background and history some sort. Thus this cousin of mine is lucky cause his dad is ex-VP of a MNC. So he is from a well to do family and he got his bachelor from UK even though results are nothing to shout about. He plays golf, go to gym (Fitness First), drink expensive wine and have a fridge to store all his so called favourite wine. Anyway, he is staying with his dad on their own plot of land with a purpose build designer house. Since he was getting married, I heard that his dad pour in 400k just to re-renovate the whole house for his wedding. The house looks good but not fantastic if you ask me. However, it has 2 living hall, a dedicated movie room, 2 kitchen and a garden where you could put a swimming pool and still have lots of land to spare. The funny thing about all this fancy houses and fine living is that it doesn't all tally up.
Honestly since he was the only son, I "expected" his dad to throw in a lavish pre-wedding buffet dinner and a gathering for his ex-client, friends and family. With his vast contact I think his house would be most appropriate to showcase his success since he did so much renovation. Man, was I disappointed to find out that not only was there isn't any buffet/catering but no guest invitation but just home cooked stuff from some of my aunties and only a few relatives. To add salt to wound the host didn't even have the courtesy to call me or my parents to inform of their son's wedding. The invitational card was also through another aunt of ours and thus all info was through many words of mouth.
What really happen was when I checked into the 3 star hotel, the staff counter had ask for our detail and etc. Then she proceeded to ask for my credit card. I ask her why. Then the staff said its for payment verification and etc. I was like jaw drop trying to justify and understand the situation. I ask in detail whether the rooms are provided by the host or pay personally ? When they told me its self paid, I still didn't believe it. So I gave my cousin a call but nobody was answering. I presume the house was noisy and lots of guest so I called my aunt and then after another cousin. When this another cousin pick up I clarify with her about the rooms. She was stun and taken aback too and thought it is suppose to be on the host. To be certain she hand over her phone to the groom (my cousin) and when I ask him straight to the point who pays, he said self paid. Simple english, no beating behind the bush and no mis-understanding etc.
I felt being rip off or taken for a ride at that moment. What kind of relatives is this. I mean I treat them as relative and they treat you as shit. The good thing that come out of this is that as least now I know they aren't that close. We therefore don't need their presence and their relationship. If it wasn't the whole hotel room fiasco thing, I think we could have a good time. In fact I had wanted and offer to pay everything our self with a planned 3days 2 night holiday in one of the hotel near to the beach. Since, I was told that the room was booked for us as guest thus, I have to oblige and cancel our original plan. I was really looking forward for my kids to go to a beach and let them wander and play on the sand.
Lesson learned from the whole episode. Never ever trust and believe and expect the rich to have manners, courtesy nor common sense. For all you know its all only a shell with the house the greatest trophy they can parade proudly.

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