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How People in China Queue Up

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大陸人怎麼排隊 ( 防插隊 ) ~
How People In China Queue Up

This is a typical example. In Beijing 's railway station people are
queuing to buy a railway ticket. It is impossible to jump queue.

您可能會說:「這一定是只有北京人才會這樣!」那可就錯囉! You are wrong if
you think only the Beijingers do that!

看看這千里之隔的四川人排隊,怎麼這樣相像? Look at Here's how the Sizhuan
people queue up.

的肩膀或是手臂,這不就完成了嗎? Would you want to put your hands
together? But it's not easy to break a chain.

笑話是這麼說的: Here's the joke:
在北京地鐵內有位老兄抱怨地鐵太 In Beijing a man complained that the queue
in the MTR had caused his wife's miscarriage, 擠,
我們上海的地鐵擠得害我老婆懷孕了。Another man complained that it was no
big deal because in Shanghai the queue had made his wife pregnant!

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