Ignorant People
Published Wednesday, April 04, 2007 by SaiRay | E-mail this post
I really don't understand some people. I have a Malay colloquy who seem to be very pious, nice and educated but in fact its the opposite. I have fail to understand him and also fail to make him think out of the box. When it comes to religion, race and etc issue.........just try to avoid talking about it cause they don't think logically and neither do they think at all. It seem they have to just follow the black book and whether its for their good or not they don't care cause everything from the book is good.
Ok, lets avoid that issue and debate and tell you from another side of the story. For example, he's sick and down with re-occurrence cough and flu.......the normal ENT sickness and etc. By right, thinking from the productivity point of view, if an employee is sick, you would encourage them to take a day off or go on MC. Why ? Cause if he's sick and still working then there is a high chance that he can spree the bacteria or viruses to other colleague in the whole office. So lets be logical and see this from the company productivity point of view. If he's sick and go on MC then the company will incur a loss of RM 100 (example). However, if he's around to spree the bacteria and hypothetically he got 2 of his colleague sick too.......so therefore the company will be incurring further losses of RM 200. There....plain simple and direct. Why can't Malaysians see this !! Why have to work till you get more sick and etc and then.........finally after can't tolerate anymore only then go to see a doc. Why ? Why ? Isn't there a smart and straight person who can see this from the overall picture. If I tell this to my Malay colleague of mine then he would shrug it off cause he will feel he's great and doing the company a good deed and therefore qualify himself as the best employee in the company. No joke.......that's the way they think. How about his boss ? Worst cause can't think at all. I don't mine if I'm still single and etc but then I have a family I want to take care of. I can't get sick by him and then when I go home spree the bacteria back home. To make matter worst, the place we work is in a small room with 2 air-con only while 6-8 fellow are working in it with no windows nor ventilation.........means oxygen is not coming in. I just fail to understand why people can't think like me or thinking logically......you don't have to be a bookworm, straight A's or whatever to think straight and judging with common sense. Do you or you do ????????
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