Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))


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Was a little bit hectic and health wasn't so good lately. I had always wonder and ask why and how all these blogger keep up the pace to write stuff everyday without fail. I mean don't they have work to do or life at all. I mean for a housewife also is quite busy and all, especially if you have your own business. Just imagine if you are an IT manager or something which I undoubtedly found a few blogger to be. How to juggle family, work, and business and etc. Even if you are single/bachelor and had an outstanding and vibrant life wouldn't these blogging stuff take up some of your time.

Unless, of course bloggers are very free and do most of their blogging during working hours. But I still don't think if you are an IT manager or someone important you can keep up the heavy schedule of churning out articles, topic after topic day in day out. Its already hard struggling between work and blogging and equally taxing if you have a small family of your own. So I got to hand it to some of them for relentlessly and unconditionally doing and giving readers something to read about everyday.

Just not my cup of tea cause I'm a lightweight as far as blogging is concern.

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