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Indian Foreign Worker

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There is this Indian chap I talk to occasionally whenever I sent my car for a wash. He tells me he is an Indian from India and he is being paid RM1000 for 16hrs a day job every month. There is no overtime, benefits or whatever. There is no leave except once a year trip back to India. Their contract here runs for 3-4yrs and thereafter most of them just go back and don't wanna come back here anymore. At first when I heard that he is paid 1k per mth.....I said wow......Indon are only paid RM400 per mth and they too have no leave and work 24hrs a day.

I think what started out as willing employer and willing employee has escalated to being more choosy and more demanding. After all this Indian chap here had been working for 4yrs straight now and he speaks fluent Malays. He is consider to be the senior among the other new faces I have not seen before. He told me he's not coming back anymore after his contract expire just like the earlier ones who went home. He said he can now get better employment options and opportunity back home in Chennai.

Now thats something interesting and new to me. At least I can see life changing and moving upstream. You are not forever a car wash attendant. Everybody needs to grow. Happy for him.

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