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Point Of View (NTV 7)

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My personal comment after watching POV (Point Of View)

1. Dong Zhong Association (United Chinese.....Association)

A gathering of a bunch of fanatic, obsessive and introvert people. Yeah I agreed with many of his later points but he was screw tightly at the beginning from the host and had to defend himself. He looks silly and incompetent for a Head of Legal Adviser to the association. The host was having a field day cause from my observation he wasn't well prepared and also don't have too many points. Now let's go into a little bit detail.

  • The host asks him why do you need to have a different school just to learn another language? She then proceeded to further ask what are the elements or so called Chinese cultures which are important to acquire.
  • Does it mean a Chinese who doesn't know mandarin is less likely a Chinese than a Chinese educated student?
  • Does a language really define a person or it's just a tool for communication?
  • Is there anyway for a common single school system to enable integration? Sometime in the future or never at all...............
  • Why is Singapore so successful or take for example Japan? They are pro Japanese culture and language and yet they can move so far ahead without knowing English at all.

So for me there are actually many issues affecting the integrity of a multicultural society. The overall government policy. The implementation of policy and etc etc. So it doesn't just boil down to a simple separation of school. Perhaps it could be the quality and the system of teaching that is alienating others. I have heard of cases where history subject had been twisted and use to purge all facts and rewrite history on the minority section of the population.

What about the entrance exam to go into local university! There are many ways and type of system which separate the races too. There are the matriculation school, the old fashion STPM school and then the form 5 route. So do you perceive this to contribute to the rift in the integration of the different culture? Therefore to solely blame the whole integration problem on the vernacular school is not acceptable.

If I look at the whole issue objectively, with the existence of the vernacular and national type school at the present form we can conclude that there are more demand than supply for vernacular. Why is this so? Is it because parents perceive them to be more superior compare to national type. Is it because the quality and standard are higher in vernacular compare to national? Therefore at the end of it we need to ask why national type school cannot outdo vernacular type school? Just look at the analogy of your local telecommunication/telco between Maxis and Digi. When there is competition, it would drive the companies to efficiency, better consumer prices and overall standard. Therefore, if we put Maxis and Digi case as National and Vernacular school both competing equally then we could deduce that the best man would win. Obviously with huge financial obstacle and policy against the vernacular school, yet they could still entice and attract significant student means a lot in MY education sector.

Thus should vernacular school be abolished and be integrated into national type school? I don't think it's a simple answer. There need to be a comprehensive report/study on the impact of these students from primary to university stage. We need data to backup the report and not 1or 2 so called "expert" to quantify the reason. The "expert" opinions are from their point of view and they are bias with their different background and characteristic. Data of these students who had gone through 12years of education and their diverse background and environment need to be collected to accurately give a better and truly actual picture.

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