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Unreasonable People

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I think I had on many occasion voice my dissatisfaction about the kind of people I am working with. Nevertheless, what happen for the last few days really top it all off. Its that auntie again in my office. I don't discriminate woman but what happen to her attitude and her ...............emotion, I fell I can safely said that all woman are like that. My wifey occasionally also display those kind of unreasonable attitude and emotion.

Take her case. She had gone out (time off) for a few hours to signed her SPA (she's selling her house) and therefore when there was a very important meeting that pop up and nobody insight to represent her I try to help and cover for her by asking someone from her group to attend on behalf of her. I didn't see anything wrong with that. Her indirect member was looking for her to attend the meeting and since the meeting was all about schedule only I figure why not ask her other member to help her out. I think everybody was trying to cover for her assuming she had gone out and doing some non work related issue outside the office. Of course our company have a very bad reputation nowadays where all the younger generation of employees and newly joined staff doesn't have the utmost respect for company nor the system anymore. Some go out to have tea, some to have cendol, shopping and etc. I think if you do that its way out of line cause when company gives some leeway and employee took full advantage of it then the whole system will crumble one day.

I just fail to understand where are all this young employees brought up in. They just don't have respect, discipline and wisdom anymore. During my time we are all very well discipline but not in anyway raise like military style. I have higher expectation that anybody that's what wifey always tell me. I do admit it. I don't denied it at all. Is having expectation wrong ?

Anyway, back to the auntie. After she came back from her outside romp, she found a piece of paper with all the schedule and hand written put on the table. She was piss off and raise her arse and blow her tops. I have never seen her like this before so unreasonable and so emotional. I try to look for the positive stuff and etc but then it fail to make any mark on her. She was just barking at everybody in front of her. It was chaotic and like a war zone. She just couldn't stop barking. I couldn't cool her down at all. She was scolding everybody that had help her and telling her why we are so busybody and etc. She was overloaded and fed up with her boss but took out all this anger and frustration on everybody. You see the similarity with woman. All the same unreasonable and pathetic.

I didn't want any shouting match with her and etc so I kept quiet as best as I could. Inside me I was brewing too. I had been there before. I was a lone ranger working on 2 different chassis and with 50++ model on hand. I complain about it and make many noises. I couldn't cope too but I choose to simplify and work efficiently by using computers and best individual practices. That was way back in 2005. If she is overloaded then she should voice out and tell her boss. If the boss is not taking any initiative then tell the group manager la. She only chooses to complain and make a lot of noises. She don't dare to tell her direct boss yet everybody else had to suffered from her verbal abuse. Its totally pathetic and unreasonable. She doesn't have any wisdom at all.

What difference is there between her and her boss. To me both of them are from the same tree. Pathetic, uncultured, uneducated, brainless, irrational, emotional and psycho. Once they are under heavy pressure, their head will crack and they will just go on a massacre. Scary but at the end of the day they win cause they rule over you by the fear they try to influence.

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