Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))

Embedding Video (Testing)


Nice pretty model but I just like the song ....:))

Kejara Point


There was an article about our dear PM Abdullah having  11 summon/fine for various offences. That included parking tickets, speeding and etc. I was wondering with all those offences committed, what are the Kejara points left of his driver/in-law/son/daughter and etc for that matter. Honestly just give it a deep thought. Are there some double standard here again that implied 1 standard for the rich and powerful elite and another common citizen just like you and me ?
Therefore seem like this PM here is not practising what he preaches. On one hand he said must be transparency, eliminate corruption and be a world class hub, but then on the other he's being given 70% discount for his summon/fine and then no point deduction I presume. What kind of world we are living in anyway. We are being treated 2nd class citizen during Portuguese/British/Japanese occupancy and now still continually being colonise by our self. Just another pathetic example.
Malaysia BOLEH !!! Long live Malaysia.

PM vs X-PM


Have not been writing too much lately. However, what I wanted to comment about for the last 2 weeks are on the Tun Mahathir vs Abdullah saga. I just cannot understand why the old man ask a few simple question and he couldn't get a straight forward answer. As I was reading Proton MD's reply on MV Agusta issue, all the answer he provided was of general and any dick and harry answer. Come on you can do better than that. The old man ask was there any process to identify the best buyer for the ailing Agusta ?
How was the process arrived at and finally given to Gevi Spa ? Go and read the reply from Proton MD's reply in TheStar  Frontpage on sat. I feel he was a bit rude to the old man. With due respect though I don't like him too but when it comes to business it's all part of work only. So pls no personal attack or grudges and etc.
No but for a big shot MD's in the helm of a billion ringgit company he acted childishly by saying he try to make an appointment with the adviser but receive no reply nor any response. He goes on to say it takes 2 party to make an appointment. My god a kid statement from a Managing Director. He then step on his own toe when he mention that he infomed the adviser on the launch of Satria Neo on a short notice.
Therefore with Tun M busy appointment and travelling engagement he couldn't make it. Normal la for a high profile person like Tun. Therefore Mr.Kid why can't you inform your plan and make an appointment to meet with the adviser in 1-2 month advance booking ? Obviously either you don't know how to manage your schedule or somebody behind you are pushing you to say all those stuff. Another YES man in the making in Malaysia.

Electricity Increase 12%


I came across this interesting blog. Curious I made a comparison of some of the people that I know and see whether its hearsay or talk bull without fact. Do read the below first and I will let you know the survey at the end.

Let's to do some calculations here. In Malaysia the average family income is RM3000 (Father works, mother doesn't). I understand there are a lot of families whose income don't reach RM3000, but, to make things simple, lets take RM3000 as the figure. ok la right?

Okay, let's start rolling with a family which has Papa, Mama, 1 daughter and 1 son. ngam ngam..
Calculation starts...

- Electricity and water bil RM100 (no aircond, no home theatre, no water heater k?)
- Telekom and Handphone bil RM100 (cannot make a lot of calls one you know? NO Streamyx also)
- Meal for the whole happy family RM775 (3 meals on RM25/day, RM25 for 4 persons????)
- Papa makan/teh tarik during working hours RM155 (RM5/day, RM5 can eat what?)
- Car repayment RM400 (a proton saga aeroback, 7 years repayment)
- Petrol RM300 (Living in City, Jam) Go to work, bring son to school, only can afford one car running.
- Insurance RM650, (kids, wife and myself).
- House repayment RM750 (Low cost housing repayment for 30 years, retired still have to work to pay house!)
- Tuition RM80 (got that cheap meh?? No, I don't think so)
- Older children pocket money @ school RM20 (RM1/day, eat bread??)
- School fees RM30 (enough ah??)
- School books and etc etc. RM100 (always got extra to pay in school)
- Younger children milk powder RM50 (cannot have the DHA, BHA, PHA one, expensive)
- Miscellaneous RM100 (shampoo, rice, sauce, toilet paper)

oh wait!!! I have to stop here, so... No Astro, no movie @ cinema, no DVD, no CD, no online, cannot KFC, cannot Mc Donald, cannot go Park walk during weekend(petrol expensive), no chit chat on phone with grandparents, and etc...

Let's use a calculator to total up... WALAO EI.. Shit! RM3610 already.. EPF belum potong, income tax lagi,........ oledi --- RM610... How to survive laa tuan-tuan dan puan-puan sekalian??? Our Deputy Prime Minister ask us to change lifestyle?

Calculation ends...
How to change? Don't eat? Don't work? Don't send children to school and study? Besides that, I believe in Malaysia population, there are millions of Rakyat Malaysia which still don't earn RM3000/month!!!

What is this? Ini lah Malaysia Boleh.. Sorry.. it should be Malaysians Boleh, because we're still alive and kicking!!

Our politicians must be mad!!!!!!

p/s - 25/2/2006, eletrik naik 12% kalau dulu belanja RM100 sebulan sekarang dah RM112 sebulan. hard or as bad as I agreed with the above and am not very pro-Abdullah Badawi I have to say my technician response took me by surprise. He can still make a living with 3k with 2 kids and a wife (whose not working). I ask him to list down his expenses and I total it up for him and found the discrepancies with the above on the insurance - RM650. Seem Malays usually don't buy insurance unless they are rich. In addition though he drive a Mazda 323F (for show off purposes and balik kampung) his transportation on weekdays are with motorcycle and that is RM 6 per week only (on petrol).

No tuition for kids. As for milk, the younger ones only drink breast milk and etc. In addition to that, he can usually earn more than RM 4k per month if he does more than 40hrs of overtime. Can you imagine that happening. So I guess Najib and Badawi lifestyle change does make an echo and have valid reason. Now I will just go and get myself a motorcycle and perhaps marry a Malay girl to get special privileges so that my kids have a guaranteed university future and career. What a F%#^% world this is.

Deposit Insurance System



Deposit Insurance System Introduced For Enhanced Consumer Protection
Toll Free Number for public enquiry : 1 800 88 1266

Bank Negara Malaysia wishes to announce that The Minister of Finance today approved the introduction of a deposit insurance system for Malaysia. The approval follows the Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation Act that was passed in Parliament on 26 July 2005 and gazetted on 11 August 2005. The system will further strengthen the consumer protection infrastructure and represents another significant step forward in the ongoing development on the Malaysian financial system. The deposit insurance system will strengthen incentives for financial institutions to adopt sound financial and business practices and enhance public confidence in the financial system by providing explicit protection of deposits.

Under the deposit insurance system, eligible deposits will be insured up to the prescribed limit of RM60,000 per depositor, per member institution inclusive of principal and interest. There will also be a separate coverage of RM60,000 per depositor, per member institution for Islamic deposits, accounts held under joint ownership and trust accounts, sole proprietorship and partnerships. This will provide coverage to 95% of depositors in full.

Bank Negara Malaysia wishes to announce that the Minister of Finance has approved the establishment of an independent statutory body called Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM) to administer the deposit insurance system. PIDM was established on August 15, 2005 with the enactment of the Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation Act 2005. Among others, PIDM's mandate is to provide insurance against loss of part or all deposits; provide incentives for sound risk management in the financial industry and to promote and contribute to the stability of the financial system. In meeting its objectives, PIDM is required to act in a manner to minimise the costs to the financial system.

PIDM will also have the role, in certain circumstance; to undertake the resolution of banking institutions, as may be required based on the assessment of Bank Negara Malaysia.

PIDM will have a seven-member Board, with balanced representation from the public and private sector. Members of the Board of Directors of PIDM as approved by the Minister of Finance are; Tan Sri Dato' Abdul Aziz bin Taha (Chairman), Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Dato' Izzuddin bin Dali, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Muhammad Azmi bin Kamarudin, Datuk Dr. Abdul Samad bin Haji Alias, Datuk Dr. Sulaiman Mahbob and Encik Michael Wong Kuan Lee. The Minister of Finance, on the recommendation of the Board, approved the appointment of Mr. Jean Pierre Sabourin as the Chief Executive Officer of PIDM.

As mandated under the Act, all commercial banks (including subsidiaries of foreign banks operating in Malaysia) and finance companies licensed under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989, and Islamic banks licensed under the Islamic Banking Act 1983 will be members of the deposit insurance system effective September 1, 2005. Member of the public are hereby informed that all eligible deposits will be covered up to the prescribed limit of RM60,000 per depositor, per member institution from today.

Bank Negara Malaysia in its role of ensuring monetary and financial stability will remain the primary regulator and supervisor of the banking system. PIDM will complement Bank Negara Malaysia through the administration of an effective deposit insurance system in a manner that provides incentives for sound risk management in financial institutions.

Explicit deposit insurance systems exist in more than 80 countries around the world including the USA, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, Indonesia and Hong Kong. In developing the design features of the Malaysian deposit insurance system, consideration was taken to ensure that the system is efficient, effective and equitable.

Bank Negara Malaysia
1 September 2005

Another crap bolehland policy and philosophy....^%$^%#%^



My eldest son of 4 are having problem drinking milk for the past few weeks. He just couldn't and wouldn't drink the formula milk we gave him. Perhaps its the taste or something but we try switching to another brand (from Anlene to Pediasure) and yet still the same result. He just cannot and don't want to drink anymore no matter what we do. I try talking to him, persuading, scolding and caning him and etc but all to no avail.
Therefore really hope this week I can figure it out cause I have been seeing him getting thinner and thinner. I don't want him to be like me. Did a few research on this issue but found all the answer not very helpful not matching to the condition we had here. I mean if we are in UK then perhaps there are more choices and selection. Over here there's not more than 10 type of formula milk. Not sure can get soy milk which I had been hearing about too.
My understanding was milk give 2 important nutritional ingredients, that is CALCIUM and FAT. I want my son to be FAT, healthy and growing. I don't believe its gene or anything like that cause I have seen parents who are physically small in size raising a well grown kid. Therefore, my so called food expert wife would definitely doubt me on this.
I would try another approach tonight cause I know that he likes this multi-vitamin that I bought for him. Perhaps if I crush the tablet vitamins and mixed it into his milk it would entice him to drink finish the milk. I really hope it helps.

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