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Nissan Latio

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A friend from SG came over to my house the other day. She was visiting me and I was surprise she drove a car. She told me ever since she got married she and husband need to travel quite frequently back home and thus having a car is very important. Anyway, what I wanted to highlight was the car. She bought this Nissan Latio…I think it was full spec because I could see leather seating etc on it. What capture my attention was the keyless entry thing. There was a reader (a small sensor bar) near the door knob that she touches with her finger and ….voila…the car door open.

Its looks cool and techie. A bit convenient for those who are always hand full and only have a finger to spare. I haven't check the spec. over here in MY yet. I guess its always the cost and the acceptability over here. There are more technology resistance driver here than over in SG.

I just read somewhere that Suzuki Swift in MY are having these "keyless" entry system too. In fact you don't even need a key to insert into the keyhole to start the car. Its all some sort of RFID and thumbprint identification. Cool.

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