Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))

Great Innovative Art (Part 1)


Nice tray. Good hold and firm grip but can't put anything other than small cups and etc.

Great belt idea. Practical and useful to many people.
For not very high shelf. Great design, easy to keep and innovative but lack practicabiliity and marketing.

If I remember correctly, I return the hardware terminal on the 4th April just right before the 180 days refund policy entitlement. The sales guy wasn't very much help but nevertheless I got the feeling that when they want to sell you something they can promise you the moon but when you complaint and wanna return their product they can give you lots of excuses and reason to avoid you. Just look at it this way. When I enquire about their product, the sales guy can call you, attend to your queries and make appointment to see you day or night or even on weekends.
But when it comes to returning of their product, they can give you 101 reason why they are not so flexible and why you need to personally go to their office to filled up the form and etc. If I may add, what if I show some interest or use another person name to request another demo and to make an appointment with the sales guy to come over to my house ! Can I then return to him/her the hardware terminal at the same time and filled up whatever form that is require ? It just doesn't sound right. Its just pathetic, hypocrite and stupid. Therefore, when I called up the same guy who came to my place to complete the transaction and give me their hardware terminal.....that very same guy, he had the cheek to ask me to go to his office.
What the *&%*%& and what kind of attitude is that. What make me puke and at the same time hilarious was, that fellow is very very uneducated. He dress smart, drive a nice car and etc but if you spend 5 minutes with him, you will know that he isn't as clever as he portrait to be. If my instinct and observation was right, at best he's a local grad most probably from UTAR or TAR college only. Initially when he came over to my house and gave his name card to me, he was just a sales executive. After a few month later when I email him, he was already an assistant sales manager. It took me by surprised. That kind of level and mentality and attitude. I could only sum it all up in 2.
1. Either his sales target was very good and hence by performance he was awarded and promoted to assistant manager. or
2. The previous assistant manager left and thus created a vacancy. Since, the company is small and doesn't have any capable people, they have no choice but to promote him.
From the above, it tells me that Izzi is an Ali Baba company. It is not run based on performance, efficiency and any KPI standard. It is just an over hype company trying to con people into believing they are offering 4G product when in fact there is no such a term and thing called 4G. They coined it all up to entice uneducated and unsuspecting consumers. My personal opinion about this iburst or wireless broadband technology is that it isn't very stable and practically flaw. You wouldn't get seamless connection while traveling in 80km/hr or smooth dl when you are moving from 1 cell to another. In fact, if you don't have direct LOS, your could get intermittent strength signal. In my case the best signal strength I had was 80-90% but then huge error frame rate occur. On a bad day the best signal strength I could get was only 40-50%. Worst still was on certain day or night I can't even log on to the service / network.
Izzi customer service or complaint tele line or email doesn't have any response. Though you can leave a message in their voice box but its never replied nor acknowledge. To sum it all up, service response is crap and its no difference from other sub standard Chinamen company. Therefore don't put your hopes too high and sweet words from their advertisement and marketing wings.
I will write more in detail and perhaps include some sample of my analysis after I had obtain my 50% refund. Until then I can only keep my finger cross.

大陸人怎麼排隊 ( 防插隊 ) ~
How People In China Queue Up

This is a typical example. In Beijing 's railway station people are
queuing to buy a railway ticket. It is impossible to jump queue.

您可能會說:「這一定是只有北京人才會這樣!」那可就錯囉! You are wrong if
you think only the Beijingers do that!

看看這千里之隔的四川人排隊,怎麼這樣相像? Look at Here's how the Sizhuan
people queue up.

的肩膀或是手臂,這不就完成了嗎? Would you want to put your hands
together? But it's not easy to break a chain.

笑話是這麼說的: Here's the joke:
在北京地鐵內有位老兄抱怨地鐵太 In Beijing a man complained that the queue
in the MTR had caused his wife's miscarriage, 擠,
我們上海的地鐵擠得害我老婆懷孕了。Another man complained that it was no
big deal because in Shanghai the queue had made his wife pregnant!

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