Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))



While I was driving today on the road, it hit me of a very good invention. Why don't technologist or some inventor come out with a signal/turn sensor ?

Many people I notice are just too lazy to flick the left/right turn signal on the steering wheel, so what if there is a sensor that detect a certain amount of turn and thus put out the signal itself. Why not ?

In fact, all the technology are readily available and therefore it's a matter of integrating it. In future cars, there is no need for the manual turn switch. Or how about a voice activated turn signal capability ?

Datuk Jimmy Choo


I have been reading many news on mainstream media with regard to him and our tourism minister. Promote this and that, how Malaysia own famous world designer etc. I always want to puke reading and looking at the pictures.

Can someone ask him or the minister in Parliament whether is the so called Datuk still a Malaysian? Does he have a British citizenship or PR just like Harrod king? Does he pay Malaysian taxes etc? So please don't claim them to be Malaysian anymore even if they have a foreign PR. It is embarrassing the least to say. If their loyalty is to Malaysia please tell all you only have a Malaysian passport and no PR of a foreign country.

As for Mrs.Minister, I still remember the Australian PR fiasco you were embroiled in a few years ago. I don't have too short a memory.

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