Curiosity, Thoughts and Whatever...

I'm not a regular blogger just occasionally wanna share some thoughts and ideas to the rest of the world. Hope you like what you see and written.....:))


Yao Si Ting


There are not many information that I can find online about this singer. Her name is Yao Sing Ti and she have this really wonderful clear, pure voice. After running some googling on it, I found out that she had recorded quite a few number of recordings and there are mostly in English. I think she really have some talented voice and suitable for solo……perhaps classical music too.


Now I know China have so many talented people. Some are unknown and not even in the mainstream and yet their quality is way better than most. Can you imagine the diverse variety and the kind of quality singers as well as other stuff that they have there ? Kudos.


Check or go buy her album. However, I still have some doubt whether her album is really genuine or fake. The quality and finishing of the album itself calls for some sceptism.

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