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Cops and Activist - Cat and Mouse

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I just read through an activist detail account of his detention under police and I am sad and sorry for the state of affair in this country. It seems after so many years our police officer or the entire justice system still haven't changed a bit at all. I still remember vividly my first hand experience and some eye witness account. Once I saw how the police rough up some drugs addict or suspected addict with brute force. The guy was basically unarmed and he was your average size man. Nevertheless, a few police officer (most probably around 4-5 of them with body building physique) kick and smashed the poor fellow everyway. It was not the end. Though the suspect was lying on the tar road screaming in pain, the police officer was still smashing their boots, shoes and etc on his body. There wasn't any humane, compassion or whatsoever from the cops. I guess there are trying to intimidate the fellow and portraying the tough cop image.
I dread to think what would had happen if by any chance the suspect is an innocent bystander or the public. Can you imagine yourself to be in the suspect shoes. It could occur. Hypothetically. You were walking on the streets at night......perhaps very late at night cause you had just broken up and you are feeling miserable and didn't want to go home. All of a sudden there is siren and the next thing you know is you are being chase by some men shouting at you as if they want your head or wallet. Your normal reaction would be stun for a second and then run for your life cause you can see 3 burly guys coming after you with some sort of object in their hands. Suddenly you were being outrun and was floor flat by one of them URO (Unidentified Running Object) and were screaming in pain from the fall. To add salt to the wound, you were repeatedly kick and knock all over your body.
There wasn't any opportunity at all to explain or ask any question. You don't have the right to say anything and neither do you have the right to make any calls. You can be rest assure that all information pertaining to you will be deleted (just like in Atlantuya case). No birth record and no death certificate. All thrown away or destroy. Its like you were never born at all. Scary and that's what is actually happening in this country. Its like Russia, communism and country held under states law, all into one. But what can we do about it. This is nothing new. To shattered peace and prosperity you will have to pay a high price for it. Neither will there be a guaranteed that it will remain peaceful and prosper for many many years to come as greed and power will bring the downfall of the whole country.

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